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History of migrations

This course is part of the programme
Doctoral study programme Humanities

Objectives and competences

The subject provides an overview of the migration history from a long run perspective, and characteristics of migration processes and movements in the course of history. Students will be able to discern migration typologies, contextualize the migration phenomena into economic, social and political processes and evaluate their role in history from the Early modern times until the present. Students will gain an understanding of conceptualization of migrations in historiography and other disciplines, and will be able to view the phenomenon from a multidisciplinary perspective. They will study relevant literature on general and specific aspects of the field, methodological approaches, and development of the migrations history study. Finally, students will be be able to do some research and practical work with archival and other quantitative and qualitative sources.


Students considering the History of migrations course are expected to attend lectures (75% ) and to actively participate in lectures and seminars – to take part in discussions, read literature in the course of lectures, and do some field work. At the end of lectures and seminar work, students will be required to submit an independent final/exam assignment.
They are expected to have gained appropriate knowledge in the fields of social, economic and cultural history. Students are expected to have a good and active command of English.


The subject offers an insight into the migration history from the beginning of the Early modern times to the present. Migrations are regarded as key phenomena in the processes of social, economic, political and cultural development throughout history. The students will be acquainted with the concepts and methodological approaches of several disciplines dealing with migrations in the historical perspective, with the forms of spatial mobility, with migration typologies and with their systemic involvement in the economic, social and political life. The patterns, the characteristics and the spatial dimensions of the migration movements are presented in conformity to the main historical periodisation, that is: migrations in the period of the Old regime and the early industrialization, migrations in the era of modernization (industrialization, urbanization, internal, transnational and overseas migrations and redistribution of the population), migrations in the period between the world wars and migrations in the era of globalisation. The focus is on the migration phenomena in Europe, in the Mediterranean and in the Western world. Special attention is paid to issues such as the attitude of the state and the society towards the migrations and the migrants, the migration policies, the legal aspects and the status of the migrants in the departing and receiving environment, and the role of migrants as individual and collective agents in a number of fields within the social and cultural life. Through the theoretical and practical study process, the students will become familiar with migration history research. They will be able to study the historical sources, learn about analytical methods and interpretation issues, with a special emphasis on migrations in the Slovenian context.

Intended learning outcomes

Students will acquire:
• general knowledge of the history of migrations, specific migration cases and phenomena;
• knowledge of conceptual and methodological tools that enable understanding and contextualizing migrations within the historical perspective;
• knowledge related to the literature on migration history, with an emphasis on some specific aspects (demographic, social, cultural, political);
• ability to tackle the covered topics independently;
• knowledge of research methods employed in the field of migrations history through a practical use of qualitative and quantitative sources.


  • Bade K. J. (2005): Evropa v gibanju: migracije od poznega 18. stoletja do danes, cf., Ljubljana. Catalogue
  • Baines D. (1995): Emigration from Europe, 1815-1930, Cambridge.
  • Drnovšek M. (2010): Izseljevanje, "rakrana" slovenskega naroda : od misijonarja Friderika Barage do migracijske politike države Slovenije, Ljubljana, Nova revija.
  • Fonaine L. (1996): History of Pedlars in Europe, Cambridge.
  • Hahn S. (2013): Historische Migrationsforschung, Frankfurt-New York, Campus Verlag.
  • Hochstadt S. (1999): Mobility and Modernity. Migration in Germany, 1820-1989, Ann Arbor.
  • Hoerder D. (2001): Cultures in Contact. European and World Migrations, 11th Century to 1990s, Durham, N.C. Catalogue
  • Hoerder D., Kaur A. (2012): Proletarian and gendered mass migrations. A global perspective on continuities and discontinuities from the 19th to the 21th century, Brill Academic Pub.
  • Kalc A. (2008): Tržaško prebivalstvo v 18. stoletju. Priseljevanje kot gibalo demografske rasti in družbenih sprememb, Koper-Trieste, Annales. Catalogue
  • Lucassen J. (1987): Migrant Labor in Europe 1600-1900. The drift to the North Sea, London.
  • Lucassen J., Lucassen L. (ed.) (1997): Migration, Migration History, History, Bern.
  • Moch L. P. (1992): Moving Europeans. Migration in Western Europe since 1650, Bloomington. Catalogue E-version
  • Moch L.P. (1983): Paths to the City: Regional Migration in Nineteenth-Century France New Approaches to Social Science History, Beverly Hills, Sage.
  • Puskas J. (1990): Overseas Migration from East-Central and South-Eastern Europe, 1880-1940, Budapest.
  • Rosenthal P. A. (1999): Les sentiers invisibles. Espace, familles et migrations dans la France du XIXe siecle, Paris, EHESS.


  • final written examination (up to 5000 words) - active participation in the studying process.

Lecturer's references

Hoerder D., Kaur A. (2012): Proletarian and gendered mass migrations. A global perspective on continuities and discontinuities from the 19th to the 21th century, Brill Academic Pub.

Hoerder D. (2001): Cultures in Contact. European and World Migrations, 11th Century to 1990s, Durham, N.C.

KALC, Aleksej. Razvojni obrisi izseljenske zakonodaje v 19. stoletju in do prve svetovne vojne. Dve domov.. [Printed ed.], 1997, no. 8, pp. 9–35. [COBISS.SI-ID 5938221]

KALC, Aleksej. L´emigrazione slovena e croata dalla Venezia Giulia tra le due guerre ed il suo ruolo politico. Annales (Koper), 1996, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 23–60, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 5463373]

KALC, Aleksej. Immigration policy in eighteenth-century Trieste. In: MUNCK, Bert De (ed.), WINTER, Anne (ed.). Gated communities? : regulating migration in early modern cities. Farnham: Ashgate, cop. 2012, pp. 117–134. [COBISS.SI-ID 2170579]

KALC, Aleksej. Tržaško prebivalstvo v 18. stoletju : priseljevanje kot gibalo demografske rasti in družbenih sprememb, (Knjižnica Annales Majora). Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Založba Annales: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko; Trieste: Narodna in študijska knjižnica, 2008. 344 pp., graphics. ISBN 978-961-6732-05-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 243386112]

KALC, Aleksej, Poti in usode : selitvene izkušnje Slovencev z zahodne meje, (Knjižnica Annales majora). Koper: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko: Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Republike Slovenije; Trieste: Narodna in študijska knjižnica, 2002. 173 pp., illustr. ISBN 961-6033-30-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 120192000]

KALC, Aleksej. 'Semo stadi sai contenti de sentir le vostre vosi' : Emigrazione e comunicazione: il caso di una famiglia triestina emigrata in Australia. Qual., 2007, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 13–35. [COBISS.SI-ID 1405395]

KALC, Aleksej. Nekateri vidiki primorskega izseljevanja v Južno Ameriko do prve svetovne vojne. In: JURAK, Mirko, MISLEJ, Irene. Kulturno ustvarjanje Slovencev v Južni Ameriki : [proceedings], (Razprave Filozofske fakultete). Ljubljana: Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete: Slovenska izseljenska matica, 1995, pp. 33–55. [COBISS.SI-ID 62602496]

KALC, Aleksej. Le migranti di ieri : caratteri delle migrazioni femminili della Venezia Giulia tra continuità e mutamento. In: VERROCCHIO, Ariella (ed.), TESSITORI, Paola (ed.). Il lavoro femminile tra vecchie e nuove migrazioni : il caso del Friuli Venezia Giulia, (Saggi). Roma: Ediesse, 2009, pp. 43–58. [COBISS.SI-ID 1741523]

KALC, Aleksej. Trieste as a port of emigration from East and Southeast Europe. V: ZACHOROWSKA-MAZURKIEWICZ, Anna (ed.). East Central Europe in exile. [Newcastle upon Tyne]: Cambridege Scholars, cop. 2013, pp. 127–140, tables. [COBISS.SI-ID 35943469]