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Research Seminar II

This course is part of the programme
Doctoral study programme Humanities

Objectives and competences

In this course, the student augments the following competencies:
• ability to read professional literature and its critical appraisal,
• the ability of presenting research findings,
• the ability to communicate with the public,
• the ability of polemical discussion of the results obtained,
• the ability of active participation in the research community.


A successfully completed Research Seminar I.


Student gets broader insight into the research activities:
Writing and publishing scientific papers in international scientific journals
Scientific journals and their ranking
Scientific monographs
Scientific Publishers
Research databases
Research projects, basic and applied
Applications for domestic and foreign research projects
International Conference
The paper at an international conference
Research groups
Working in the research group
Research programs
Evaluation of research
Socio-economic effects of research
The transfer of research results into economy
The usefulness and applicability of research results.

Intended learning outcomes

The student is able to present her research work (the doctoral disposition) to professional community (students and academic staff), including a critical evaluation of the results obtained, in solving potential problems, and the proposal for further work; taking into account modern guidelines and trends in science, which were presented in the seminar.


  • Relevant literature in the field.
  • Howe, Stephen. Phrasebook for Writing Papers and Research in English. The Whole World Company, Cambridge, 4th edition, 2013. Catalogue
  • Turabian, L. Kate, A Manual for Writers of Research papers, Theses and Dissertations. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2018. E-version
  • Hewings M., Cambridge Academic English. CUP, Cambridge, 2012. Catalogue
  • Glasman-Deal H., Science Research Writing (For Non-Native Speakers of English). Imperial College Press, London, 2010. Catalogue


Oral presentation of research work: • clarity and succinctness of presentation of doctoral disposition: method, hypothesis, objectives, work plan, • the ability of the relevant scientific discussions and arguments before a professional audience, • communication skills.

Lecturer's references

Prof. dr. Ana Toroš is employed at the Faculty of Humanities and at the Research Center for the Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica (UNG). In addition to pedagogical and research work, she is the director of the study program Humanities III. degree, which operates within the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies of UNG. Her research is focused on the field of regional comparative literature and literary imagology, and she is interested in multilingual literature in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region (Italy) and in the Goriška and Obalno-kraška regions. In this context, she dealt with the literary work of Alojz Gradnik and Trieste poetry of the first half of the 20th century. Recently, she has been conducting a research on authors of the 20th and 21st centuries in the Goriška and Udine regions, writing in Slovene, Friulian, Italian and German. She also researches minority literature in Trieste and Slovenian Istria from a comparative point of view.