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Translation as a means of transcultural communication

This course is part of the programme
Doctoral study programme Humanities

Objectives and competences

Students will
get to know and understand translation as a intercultural, transnational dimension of literature;
get to know and understand different thereotical views of translation;
get to know and understand different techniques of adaptation;
understand and know how to use interpretation as a fundamental tool in translation;
get to know different critical thinking points of view and will know how to use them in practice.


Students are expected to have a good knowledge in the field of Literary Studies (contemporary literary theories, literary history, and knowledge related to the key works of world literature).

Exam prerequisites:
attendance and active participation during contact hours
seminar paper (of at least 30000 characters with spaces).


Translation as a fundamental tool of literary internationalization, as old as a literature itself.
Translation as a means of intercultural communication; translation as a transnational category.
Demanding translations of the Holy Bible as an early translation reflection (issues of loyalty to the original text or to the reader, proper translation, functionally proper translation).
Different forms of adaptations (simplification, retelling, modernisation, harmonisation, embellishment, domestification, alienation, localisation).
Translation as a fundamental hermeneutic act (Gadamer) – translation as interpretation and an attempt to understand the Other.
Translation as a basis of children comparative literature.

Intended learning outcomes

Students will:
become acquainted with and understand the specific characteristics of literary translation;
get an insight into fundamental theoretical views on literary translation;
become acquainted with and know how to use the key tools that influence inter-cultural dimension, internationalisation and trans-culturalisation of translation;
be able to analyse translated texts and to discern the transnational and intercultural elements in them;
understand the specific characteristics of different adaptations and know how to use them in their own translation reflection.


  • Bassnet, S. (1997): Comparative Literature: A Critical Introduction. Oxford and Cambridge: Blackwell.
  • Gadamer, H. G. (2001): Resnica in metoda. Ljubljana: LUD Literatura.
  • Genette, G. (1997): Palimpsests: literature in the second degree. Lincoln – London: University of Nebraska Press.
  • Kocijančič-Pokorn, N. (2003): Misliti prevod: izbrana besedila iz teorije prevajanja od Cicerona do Derridaja. Ljubljana: Študentska založba.
  • Nikolajeva, M. (2005): Aesthetic Approaches to Children’s Literature: An Introduction. Lanham – Toronto – Oxford: The Scarecrow Press.Catalogue
  • O’Sullivan, E. (2009): Comparative children’s literature / Emer O’Sullivan. – Digital print.– London – New York: Routledge. Catalogue
  • Shavit, Z. (1986): Poetics of Children’s Literature. Athens – London: Georgia University Press. Catalogue E-version
  • Virk, T. (2007): Primerjalna književnost na prelomu tisočletja: kritični pregled. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. Catalogue
  • Selection of scientific articles made by the lecturer.


Written exam (40%),
Active participation in discussions (20%),
Seminar paper presentation (40%).