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Migration, Borders and Citizenship

This course is part of the programme
Doctoral study programme Humanities

Objectives and competences

Students will familiarise themselves with various definitions and aspects of migrations. They will be able to conduct research independently and analyse complex migration processes.


Knowledge of basic concepts and research methods in migration studies.


Students will familiarize themselves with definitions of basic concepts in migration studies and different understandings of those concepts across disciplines. In order to grasp the contemporary situation in the field of theory it is necessary to address the history of migration research and development of different theories until recent times, when we are dealing mostly with multidisciplinary and less with interdisciplinary research approaches.
Let us mention a few basic terms and concepts that the module will be focused on: migration (emigration, immigration, remigration or return migration), migration theories, migration policy, forced migration, diaspora, transnationalism, globalisation, cosmopolitanism, integration, exclusion, deportability, vulnerability, victimization, illegality (De Genova 2010)...
The important part of the module will be focused on Borders and Citizenship. Borders are symbols through which states, nations and localities try to define themselves. Geographical territory and socio-cultural space are defined at the same time. Border is a division between the ‘outside’ and the ‘inside’ and its crossing can deeply affect the lives of migrants. We are also interested citizenship, especially in the "acts of citizenship" by groups of labor migrants with precarious statuses and asylum seekers which are emerging as key protagonists in global struggles concerning freedom of movement, social recognition, worker protection and the right to asylum. (Nyers 2010)
Culture cannot exist if it is traped in ethnically closed, linguistically homogenous and territorially limited areas but are constituted through transformations and challenges, which are deployed through contacts and relationship among them. That is why we will also access the transcultural aspect of migrations.

Intended learning outcomes

With the help of acquired theoretical, methodological and empirical knowledge students are going to be able to conduct research projects independently. They will also:

  • Acquire an in-depth overview over historical and contemporary human migration processes, their historical, social and political background and consequences for societies and individuals,
  • Knowledge about migration theories and approaches
  • Knowledge and deeper understanding of contemporary challenges in the field of migrations.
  • Understanding of the basic terms and concepts in migration studies (immigration, emigration, diaspora, transnationalism, cosmopolitanism, globalisation, integration)
  • Capability to analyse migration processes and policies from the point of migration theories and concepts in transcultural perspective.


  • King, Russel (2012) Theories and Typologies of Migration: An Overview and a Primer. Willy Brandt Series of Working Papers in International Migration and Ethnic Relations 3/12. Malmo University. E-version
  • Kurekova, Lucia (2010). Theories of migration: Critical review in the context of the EU East-West flows. E-version
  • Volery, Thierry (2007). “Ethnic Entrepreneurship: a theoretical framework”, in: Léo-Paul Dana (ed.). Handbook of Research on Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship. A Co-evolutionary View on Resource Management. Cheltenham – Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 30–41. E-version
  • Van Houtum, Henk, Pijpers, Roos (2007) The European Union as a Gated Community: The Two-faced Border and Immigration Regime of the EU. Antipode, Volume 39, Issue 2, pp. 291–309. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8330.2007.00522.x E-version
  • Nicholas De Genova (2013): Spectacles of migrant ‘illegality’: the scene of exclusion, the obscene of inclusion, Ethnic and Racial Studies, https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2013.783710. E-version
  • Ilker Ataç, Kim Rygiel & Maurice Stierl (2016) Introduction: The Contentious Politics of Refugee and Migrant Protest and Solidarity Movements: Remaking Citizenship from the Margins, Citizenship Studies, 20:5, 527-544, https://doi.org/10.1080/13621025.2016.1182681. E-version
  • Walters, William (2011): Foucault and Frontiers: Notes on the Birth of the Humanitarian Border. Governmentality: Current Issues and Future Challenges, U. Bröckling, S. Krasmann in T. Lemke (ur.), 138–164. Oxon and New York: Routledge. E-version
  • De Genova Nicolas (2017): The Borders of Europe: Authonomy of Migration, Tactics of Bordering. Introduction. Duke University press. Catalogue
  • Hess, Sabine (2016): "Citizens on the road": Migration, borders and the reconstruction of citizenship in Europe. Zeitschrift fur Volkskunde 112: pp. 3-18.
  • Nyers, Peter (2010). No One is Illegal Between City and Nation. https://doi.org/10.26522/ssj.v4i2.998 E-version
  • Bauböck, Rainer (2006). Citizenship and migration – concepts and controversies. Migration and Citizenship, (Rainer Baubock ed.). Amsterdam University Press, 15-31. E-version


-Final paper (20 pages) 60% of the grade, -Active participation of the students during lectures and writing of the reflection pages after every thematic section (one page/500 words) 40% of the grade.

Lecturer's references

  • Gombač, J. (2000). Novo urejanje socialnega skrbstva v Sloveniji : 1944-1947. Zgod. čas., 54, 1, str. 89-109. [COBISS.SI-ID 1155444]
  • Gombač, J. (2001). Izseljevanje iz Kopra in njegove okolice po sprejetju londonskega memoranduma. Analiza podatkov odhajajočih skozi prizmo narodnosti. Ann, Ser. hist. sociol., 11, 2=26, str. 395-402. [COBISS.SI-ID 458707]
  • Gombač, J. (2002). The last great migration wave from Koper and its surroundings and an attemptto reconstruct the emigrants' social picture. Ann, Ser. hist. sociol., 12, 2, str. 385-396. [COBISS.SI-ID 524243]
  • Gombač, J. (2005). Esuli or optanti? : just another case of different denomination?. AWR bull., 2005, 43(52), 3, str. 213-220. [COBISS.SI-ID 24743981]
  • Gombač, J. (2007). Migration policy in a new Europe from the point of view of Slovenia. AWR bull., 45(54), 4, str. 274-280. [COBISS.SI-ID 27890733]