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Individual Research Work II

This course is part of the programme
Doctoral study programme Humanities

Objectives and competences

The student will strengthen his or her

reading and critical analysis skills related to relevant scientific literature;
ability to critically analyse relevant data;
skills related to public presentation of research;
ability to develop argumentation and defence of one's own research hypotheses and findings.


Successfully completed Individual research work I.


Student’s individual research work under the mentor's supervision, preparing the student for further independent research work.

The following elements will be included:

an overview of the student's researches and intended research aims for the dissertation theme;
realisation of the planned research in year two;
a regular analysis of the student's research results in the course of year two;
a critical overview of research work planned to be carried out in year three.

Intended learning outcomes

Students are expected to show a notable progress in their independent research work: personal initiative when ti comes to researching suitable sources and literature, and self-confidence in formulating hypotheses and professional argumentation. In the process, the mentor's help is expected to be minimal.


Relevant literature in the field.


The student writes his or her doctoral thesis and submits it to the mentor for evaluation.

Lecturer's references

Prof. dr. Ana Toroš is employed at the Faculty of Humanities and at the Research Center for the Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica (UNG). In addition to pedagogical and research work, she is the director of the study program Humanities III. degree, which operates within the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies of UNG. Her research is focused on the field of regional comparative literature and literary imagology, and she is interested in multilingual literature in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region (Italy) and in the Goriška and Obalno-kraška regions. In this context, she dealt with the literary work of Alojz Gradnik and Trieste poetry of the first half of the 20th century. Recently, she has been conducting a research on authors of the 20th and 21st centuries in the Goriška and Udine regions, writing in Slovene, Friulian, Italian and German. She also researches minority literature in Trieste and Slovenian Istria from a comparative point of view.