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Surface modifications with radicals

This course is part of the programme
Doctoral study programme Physics

Objectives and competences

To teach about advanced methods for modification of surfaces of various materials at extreme thermo-dynamical non-equilibrium conditions. Students will gain an overview of non-equilibrium gaseous discharges suitable for generating large quantities of plasma radicals.




Methods for measuring the concentration of radicals will be taught. State of the art in the field of surface modification by radicals will be presented: hydrophilisation, hydrophobisation, functionalization with non – equilibrium functional groups, selective etching and oxidation. A well equipped laboratory is available for students’ use so they have opportunity to work experimentally with samples students prepare by themselves.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:

Students gain basic knowledge in the rapidly expanding field of physical techniques for synthesis of advanced materials.


•M. A. Lieberman and A. J. Lichtenberg, Principles of plasma discharges and materila processing, Wiley Interscience (2005).
•R. Hippler, S. Pfan, M. Schmidt and K. H. Schoenbach, Low temperature plasma physics, Fundamental aspects and application, Wiley – WCH (2001).
•J. R. Roth, Industrial plasma engineering, Vol. 2, Applications to non-thermal plasma processing, Inst. Of Physics Publishing (2001). E-version
•A. Ricard, Reactive plasmas, SFV, Paris (1996).
•A. Grill, Cold plasma in material fabrication, IEEE Press (1993).


Individual projects from surface functionalization and a seminar. Experimental work, where student treats samples with radicals, determines surface modifications and prepares a report. The quality of report as well as the understanding of the subject is graded (50/50).

Lecturer's references

Full professor of Ecotechnology at the Jožef Stefan Institute Graduate school in Ljubljana
