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University of Nova Gorica
Graduate School
Rožna Dolina
Vipavska cesta 13
SI-5000 Nova Gorica

School office

Nadja Lovec Santaniello
T: +386 5 331 5 329
E: info.fps@ung.si

Office hours: Monday – Friday: 8.00 – 16.00.

Doctoral Study Programme Environmental Sciences

Programme director: Doc. dr. Iain Robert White

T: +386 5 331 5 204


Secretary: Nadja Lovec Santaniello
T: +386 5 331 5 329
E: nadja.lovec@ung.si

Office hours: Monday – Friday: 8.00 – 16.00, Vipavska cesta 13, Rožna Dolina, room 75.

Doctoral Study Programme Physics

Programme director: Prof. dr. Gabrijela Zaharijas
Secretary: Vesna Mržek
T: +386 5 36 53 500
F: +386 5 36 53 270
E: vesna.mrzek@ung.si

Office hours: Monday – Friday: 8.00 – 16.00, Vipavska 11c, Ajdovščina.

Doctoral Study Programme Materials

Programme director: Prof. dr. Nataša Novak Tušar
Secretary: Saša Badalič
T: +386 5 36 53 521
F: +386 5 36 53 527
E: sasa.badalic@ung.si

Office hours: Monday – Friday: 8.00 – 16.00, Vipavska 11c, Ajdovščina.

Doctoral Study Programme Karstology

Programme director: Prof. dr. Martin Knez
T: +386 5 700 19 00
F: +386 5 700 19 99
E: izrk@zrc-sazu.si
Secretary: Helena Škrl
T: +386 5 620 5 830
E: helena.skrl@ung.si

Doctoral Study Programme Humanities

Programme director: Prof. dr. Ana Toroš
Secretary: Brigita Badalič
T: +386 5 331 5 237
F: +386 5 620 5 200
E: brigita.badalic@ung.si

Office hours: Monday – Friday: 9.00 – 16.00, Rožna Dolina, Vipavska cesta 13, room 78.

Doctoral Study Programme Cultural Heritage Studies

Programme director: Prof. dr. Saša Dobričič
E: dobricic@iuav.it, sasa.dobricic@ung.si

T: +390415299662, +390415299663
F: +390415299664
E: secretariat.chs@ung.si
Secretary: Nadja Lovec Santaniello
T: +386 5 331 5 329
E: nadja.lovec@ung.si

Office hours: Monday – Friday: 8.00 – 16.00, Vipavska cesta 13, Rožna Dolina, room 75.

Doctoral Study Programme Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology

Programme director: Izr. prof. dr. Martina Bergant Marušič
T: +386 5 331 5 388
E: martina.bergant@ung.si

Secretary: Nadja Lovec Santaniello
T: +386 5 331 5 329
E: nadja.lovec@ung.si

Office hours: Monday – Friday: 9.00 – 16.00, Rožna Dolina, Vipavska cesta 13, room 75.

Doctoral Study Programme Cognitive Science of Language

Programme director: Prof. dr. Artur Stepanov
T: +386 5 331 5 270
E: arthur.stepanov@ung.si
Secretary: Brigita Badalič
T: +386 5 331 5 237
F: +386 5 620 5 200
E: brigita.badalic@ung.si

Office hours: Monday – Friday: 8.00 – 16.00, Rožna Dolina, Vipavska cesta 13, room 78.