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The Signing of the Contract for Taking a Lease on the Property of the Lanthieri mansion in Vipava
The Rector of the University of Nova Gorica, Prof. Dr. Danilo Zavrtanik and Vipava’s Mayor, Ivan Princes, M.Sc., on 15 February 2013 signed a contract on the leasing out of the property of the Lanthieri mansion in Vipava.
15. 2. 2013
Relocation of the School of Arts to Gorizia
On Wednesday, 26th September 2012, the University of Nova Gorica and the Province of Gorizia signed a six-year tenancy lease for the Alvarez Palace premises in Gorizia.
26. 9. 2012
5th Anniversary of the creating of a fourth Slovene university - the University of Nova Gorica
The Council of the Republic of Slovenia for Higher Education at its meeting on 17 March 2006, confirmed the application of Nova Gorica Polytechnic for a change of status to university, thus enabling the creation of a fourth Slovene university - University of Nova Gorica.
16. 3. 2011
Awarding the First Diploma at the School of Arts
2. 12. 2010
15th Anniversary of the founding of the University of Nova Gorica
The ceremony marking the 15th Anniversary of the founding of the University of Nova Gorica and the start of the 2010/2011 academic year took place on Friday, 15 October, 2010 at 18:00 hours at the Zemono mansion near Vipava.
15. 10. 2010
The ceremony of uncovering the memorial plaque
On Wednesday, 21st April 2010, the Tila Estate Winery hosted the ceremony of uncovering the memorial plaque on the the occasion of celebrating the session of the Senate of the Nova Gorica Polytechnic at which a decision was reached to transform the Nova Gorica Polytechnic into the University of Nova Gorica.
21. 4. 2010
Singing of a Co-Operation Agreement between the Kulturno društvo Slovenski oktet and the University of Nova Gorica
On Saturday, 23 January 2010, the Kulturno društvo Slovenski oktet and the University of Nova Gorica concluded a co-operation agreement in the concert hall of the Zemono mansion.
23. 1. 2010
Awarding the First Diploma at the School of Applied Sciences and at the School of Humanities
2. 12. 2009
Awarding the First 2nd Level Master's Degree at the School of Humanities and the First Diploma at the School for Viticulture and Enology
3. 6. 2009
Awarding the First Master's Degrees at the School of Engineering and Management
3. 12. 2008
Awarding the First Title of Honorary Member of the University of Nova Gorica to Dr. Murat Boratav
The Acad. Prof. Dr. Boštjan Žekš, Provost of the University of Nova Gorica, awarded the first title of Honorary Member of the University of Nova Gorica on 23 October 2008 at the concert hall of the Zemono mansion.
23. 10. 2008
Awarding the First Student Titles of Alumnus Primus and Alumnus Optimus
On 6 December 2007 the University of Nova Gorica awarded the first student titles Alumnus Primus and Alumnus Optimus at the concert hall of the Zemono mansion.
6. 12. 2007
Opening of New Premises in Ajdovščina
The adaptation of the former barracks in Ajdovščina, donated to the University of Nova Gorica by the Municipality of Ajdovščina, was completed in an exceptionally short time.
19. 10. 2006
Opening of New Premises in Gorizia (Italy)
University of Nova Gorica opened new premises at Via della Croce 3 in Gorizia (Italy) on 25 September 2006.
25. 9. 2006
Polytechnic became the University of Nova Gorica
At its meeting on 17 March of this year, the Council of the Republic of Slovenia for Higher Education confirmed the application of Nova Gorica Polytechnic for a change of status to university, thus enabling the creation of a fourth Slovene university.
17. 3. 2006
Awarding the first diplomas at the School of Environmental Sciences
On 1 December 2005 the School of Environmental Sciences awarded its first diplomas at Dobrovo castle in Goriška Brda. The first graduate became Dunja Mahne.
1. 12. 2005
Celebrating the tenth anniversary of the operation of Nova Gorica Polytechnic
Celebrating the tenth anniversary of the operation of Nova Gorica Polytechnic and awarding the first Professor Emeritus recognitions to Prof. Dr. Stojan Plesničar and Prof. Dr. Sidney A. Katz and the first Golden Plate recognition to Mr. Črtomir Špacapan.
25. 10. 2005
Nova Gorica Polytechnic has become a cofounder of the International University Institute for European Studies
At the invitation of the International University Institute for European Studies, the Senate of Nova Gorica Polytechnic has reached a decision on 13 April 2004 that Nova Gorica Polytechnic will apply for the cofounding of the International University Institute for European Studies (IUIES) with a seat in Gorizia, Italy.
27. 4. 2004
Signing of the Cofounding Contract with the Scientific Research Centre of SASA, Municipality of Ajdovščina, Municipality of Nova Gorica and the "Jožef Stefan" Institute.
The directions of the development of Nova Gorica Polytechnic, adopted by the Senate on 27 August 2003, demand a planned expansion of the research and study programmes in the fields that are important from a practical viewpoint as from the viewpoint of spreading national awareness and the global treasury of knowledge; at the same time, it also demands of us a greater inclusion in the local environment, and international connectedness and recognisability.
22. 12. 2003
Awarding the first diplomas at the School of Engineering and Management
On 17 June 2002, the School of Engineering and Management awarded the first diplomas to the students of the higher education study programme Economics and Management of Production and Technological Systems at Kromberk castle. The first graduates became David Cej and Uroš Jug.
17. 6. 2002