Singing of a Co-Operation Agreement between the Kulturno društvo Slovenski oktet and the University of Nova Gorica

Date of publication: 23. 1. 2010

On Saturday, 23 January 2010, the Kulturno društvo Slovenski oktet and the University of Nova Gorica concluded a co-operation agreement in the concert hall of the Zemono mansion.

With their signature, the President of the Kulturno društvo Slovenski oktet, Jože Vidic, and the President of the University of Nova Gorica, Prof. Dr. Danilo Zavrtanik, confirmed that with the connection and co-operation of art and science the institutions will ensure one another better conditions for their work and the growth of creativity, and strive for a closer mutual connection and the inclusion of the Kulturno društvo Slovenski oktet in the university environment of the University of Nova Gorica.

For now, the co-operation will take place in the field of promoting their activity, in the joint execution of scientific and artistic events, in the field of the publishing activity, and in the field of gaining donor funds for science and art. Both institutions foresee that in the future their co-operation will continue to develop and include other fields as well.


Andreja Leban
Public Relations
T: +386 5 3315 397