Study literature
Advanced topics in economics of cultural heritage and creativity
Programme: | Doctoral study programme Cultural Heritage Studies |
Study level: | 3. stopnja |
School: | Graduate school |
Advanced topics in historic cultural terriories
Programme: | Doctoral study programme Cultural Heritage Studies |
Study level: | 3. stopnja |
School: | Graduate school |
Advanced topics in sustainability of heritage
Programme: | Doctoral study programme Cultural Heritage Studies |
Study level: | 3. stopnja |
School: | Graduate school |
Advanced Viticulture
Programme: | Bachelor's programme in Viticulture and Enology (first cycle) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School for Viticulture and Enology |
Advanced Wine Marketing: communication, PR, event management and consumer behaviour
Programme: | Bachelor's programme in Viticulture and Enology (first cycle) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School for Viticulture and Enology |
Age of karst processes
Programme: | Karstology (Third Cycle) |
Study level: | 3. stopnja |
School: | Graduate school |
Age of karst sediments in Slovenia
Programme: | Karstology (Third Cycle) |
Study level: | 3. stopnja |
School: | Graduate school |
Agricultural History
Programme: | Bachelor's study programme Cultural history (1st level) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Humanities |
Agricultural History
Programme: | Bachelor's Study Programme Cultural History (first cycle) (admission from 2023/2024) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Humanities |
Agriculture and Environment
Programme: | Bachelor's programme in Viticulture and Enology (first cycle) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School for Viticulture and Enology |
Agrobusiness Management
Programme: | Master’s study programme Viticulture and Enology |
Study level: | 2. stopnja |
School: | School for Viticulture and Enology |
Programme: | Bachelor's programme in Viticulture and Enology (first cycle) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School for Viticulture and Enology |
Programme: | Master’s study programme Viticulture and Enology |
Study level: | 2. stopnja |
School: | School for Viticulture and Enology |
Alpine karst
Programme: | Karstology (Third Cycle) |
Study level: | 3. stopnja |
School: | Graduate school |
Programme: | Bachelor's programme in Viticulture and Enology (first cycle) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School for Viticulture and Enology |
Analysis I
Programme: | Physics and astrophysics first cycle |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Science |
Analysis II
Programme: | Physics and astrophysics first cycle |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Science |
Analysis of a less familiar language
Programme: | Master in SL studies - Linguistics |
Study level: | 2. stopnja |
School: | School of Humanities |
Analysis of a less-familiar language
Programme: | Master's Degree Programme Humanities Studies |
Study level: | 2. stopnja |
School: | School of Humanities |
Analysis of Musts and Wines
Programme: | Bachelor's programme in Viticulture and Enology (first cycle) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School for Viticulture and Enology |
Analytical mechanics
Programme: | Physics and astrophysics first cycle |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Science |
Ancient East and the Culture of Greco-Roman World
Programme: | Bachelor's study programme Cultural history (1st level) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Humanities |
An Overview of World Literature II
Programme: | Bachelor's study programme Slovene Studies (1st Level) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Humanities |
Anthropological linguistics
Programme: | Master's Degree Programme Humanities Studies |
Study level: | 2. stopnja |
School: | School of Humanities |
Anthropologycal linguistics
Programme: | Master in SL studies - Linguistics |
Study level: | 2. stopnja |
School: | School of Humanities |
Applied enology
Programme: | Master’s study programme Viticulture and Enology |
Study level: | 2. stopnja |
School: | School for Viticulture and Enology |
Applied viticulture
Programme: | Master’s study programme Viticulture and Enology |
Study level: | 2. stopnja |
School: | School for Viticulture and Enology |
Programme: | Bachelor's study programme Cultural history (1st level) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Humanities |
Programme: | Bachelor's study programme Slovene Studies (1st Level) (last enrolled in 2024/2025) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Humanities |
Programme: | Bachelor's Study Programme Cultural History (first cycle) (admission from 2023/2024) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Humanities |
Artificial Intelligence for Data Analysis
Programme: | Master's degree programme Engineering and Management (second cycle) |
Study level: | 2. stopnja |
School: | School of Engineering and Management |
Astronomical observations
Programme: | Physics and astrophysics first cycle |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Science |
Programme: | Physics and astrophysics first cycle |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Science |
Astroparticle physics
Programme: | Physics and astrophysics first cycle |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Science |
Astroparticle physics
Programme: | Doctoral study programme Physics |
Study level: | 3. stopnja |
School: | Graduate school |
Programme: | Physics and atrophysics II. level |
Study level: | 2. stopnja |
School: | School of Science |
Astrophysics laboratory
Programme: | Physics and astrophysics first cycle |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Science |
Atmospheric Physics
Programme: | Doctoral study programme Physics |
Study level: | 3. stopnja |
School: | Graduate school |
Automatic Control Systems
Programme: | Master's degree programme Engineering and Management (second cycle) |
Study level: | 2. stopnja |
School: | School of Engineering and Management |
Avant-garde and Experiment
Programme: | Master's Degree Programme Humanities Studies |
Study level: | 2. stopnja |
School: | School of Humanities |
Baroque and Enlightenment in Slovenian Literature
Programme: | Master's Degree Programme Humanities Studies |
Study level: | 2. stopnja |
School: | School of Humanities |
Baroque and Enlightenment in the Slovenian Literature
Programme: | Master in Slovene Studies - Literary Science |
Study level: | 2. stopnja |
School: | School of Humanities |
Basic Karstology
Programme: | Bachelor's programme in Environment (first cycle) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Environmental Sciences |
Basic Sciences of History
Programme: | Bachelor's study programme Cultural history (1st level) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Humanities |
Basics in molecular biology and biotechnology
Programme: | Doctoral study programme Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology |
Study level: | 3. stopnja |
School: | Graduate school |
Basics of Computer Science
Programme: | Bachelor's study programme Slovene Studies (1st Level) (last enrolled in 2024/2025) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Humanities |
Basics of information and communication technologies
Programme: | Bachelor's degree programme Engineering and Management (first cycle) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School of Engineering and Management |
Basics of nanomaterials photochemistry - beginning in the academic year 2025/26
Programme: | Doctoral study programme Materials |
Study level: | 3. stopnja |
School: | Graduate school |
Basics of Wine Marketing (From 2016/2017 on)
Programme: | Bachelor's programme in Viticulture and Enology (first cycle) |
Study level: | 1. stopnja |
School: | School for Viticulture and Enology |
Basic speleology
Programme: | Karstology (Third Cycle) |
Study level: | 3. stopnja |
School: | Graduate school |