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About the University library

University library of University of Nova Gorica is open to all students and staff, as well as to all other visitors who are interested in the materials offered by the library. We are collecting materials mostly for the fields of ecology, physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, biology, Slovene studies, humanities, viticulture and fine arts.

Library collection includes more than 25.000 book titles, 52 titles of periodicals, 750 items of non-book materials (mostly CD-roms) and e-edition of scientific journals, reachable over services like Science Direct, Springer-Nature, Web of Science, MathSciNet, Scopus, APS Journals, EBSCO, ACS Publications, JSTOR, CREDO online, IOPscience, Taylor & Francis-Science & Technology, ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Global etc.

The library holds the personal collection of the honorary rector prof. dr. Danilo Zavrtanik. Viewing is possible by prior arrangement.

Library collection is almost completely open access and organized by UDC classification. We offer on-line searches from databases and through interlibrary loan we provide material that is not in our collection. Users can also use a reading room with 28 reading places, and computer room with 5 computers. Wireless internet access is enabled.

We provide bibliographic service for our researchers. The library is full member of the Slovene library co-operative online bibliographic system & service, COBISS. The system enable library members to search, review, prolong and reserve materials by internet. Library catalogue (COBISS/OPAC) is available by library web site.


University library of University of Nova Gorica supports the educational, research and artistic activities of the university through selection, processing and provision of quality materials and information resources.

Aims of the Library

  • Ensure that users obtain the information they need in the shortest time possible.
  • Take care that the material is processed and laid out in such a manner that it offers easy access for the users.
  • Train library users.
  • Ensure that the library is a place where users and employees feel welcome.
  • Create and maintain good and creative relationships with the employees of the University of Nova Gorica.
  • Ensure good operation of the library as well as a positive image and promotion.
  • Stay in touch with the latest developments in the field of education, library and information sciences.

Library rules

  • At the beginning of the scholar year each student receives a student card, which is used also for library.
  • Books can be held at home for a period three weeks and books can be renewed once.
  • Manuals and prescribed study literature can be held at home for a period of two weeks.
  • If you wish to renew the books you can do this in person or via phone or internet before the original lending period has run out.
  • In the event that the books are overdue you must settle the fees as stated in the price list.
  • At the end of the academic year you must return all borrowed materials, otherwise you will not be able to enrol into the next academic year.
  • In the event that any material is lost you must replace it or cover the costs of purchasing new adequate material.