Staff mobility for training - Outgoing
Erasmus+ supports training periods for staff working in higher education institutions, both in teaching and non-teaching capacities.
Training abroad is a chance to develop personally, professionally and academically, gain new transferable skills, develop cultural awareness and open-mindedness, gain knowledge in new subjects or in teaching methods, broaden your horizons – physically and mentally, and improve and gain language skills.
To go abroad for training with Erasmus+, you must be an employee of the University of Nova Gorica (UNG).
The receiving institution and the UNG must have an Inter-institutional Agreement, but only in case of mobility to the Partner Country.
To be eligible to go abroad with Erasmus+, you must apply for the UNG call and be selected.
A training period between two Programme countries must last a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 60 days.
A training period between Programme and Partner countries must last a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 60 days.
In both cases, this excludes travelling time.
Your training periods abroad can consist of job shadowing, observation periods, professional development courses or specific competence-building events, or workshops, but not conferences.
Attend Erasmus+ sessions orginized by International Office during the academic year, in order to learn about the possibilities that Erasmus+ programme offers. You can ask also for the individual meeting with Erasmus coordinator.
Check the list of Erasmus+ Inter-institutional Agreements between the UNG and the institutions from Programme Countries and the list of Erasmus+ Inter-institutional Agreements between the UNG and the institutions from Partner Countries.
UNG call for applications
Application deadline for mobilities for academic year 2023_24 is 28.2.2023.
Call_2023_24_teaching and training
*In case that you would like to do your mobility for teaching in a Partner Country, please, contact the International Office at UNG.
Prepare your application package
You are supposed to fill out the application form, in which you have to list the institution where would you like to do your training. In case you want to do mobility for training at more institutions, you should fill out the application form separately for each of the institutions. Submit your application package to
Selection process
The UNG will evaluate your application according to the criteria stated in the call for applications. You will be informed about the results.
Meeting with Erasmus coordinator
After you have been informed about the selection results, you will be invited to the meeting with the Erasmus+ coordinator, where you will learn more about the following steps, and have opportunity to ask questions that you might have .
You should send an email to the relevant person at the potential receiving institution, describing your area of expertise, how the exchange would benefit both institutions, and a draft of your proposed plan of work including your planned mobility period.
Mobility Agreement
After you have agreed with the receiving institution about your work plan, you can prepare Mobility Agreement, which needs to be signed by three parties (you, the receiving institution and the UNG).
You are supposed to provide evidence of your health, liability and accident insurance to the Erasmus coordinator.
Find yourself an accommodation in the host country, ask receiving institution for help (they might offer rooms in dormitories etc.).
Calculate your travel costs and arrange your flight/train/bus ticket. You can travel also by car.
Travel order (SL. Potni nalog)
In order to prepare the travel order, the Mobility Agreement must be signed. To prepare the Travel order, please, contact the secretary of your Department.
Note that to continue the process before departure, you should respect the deadlines of submission for the following documents:
Mobility Agreement - 28 days before departure
Travel order - 21 days before departure
Please, visit the website of the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for more information regarding visa and check if you need visa for the country where you are going to. Visa application process may take even longer than 3 months, please, be aware that your visa must be ready in time, in order to be able to proceed with the process.
Grant Agreement
Once you have received signed Mobility Agreement, provided evidence of your health, liability and accident insurance, travel order (SL. potni nalog) and appro
You are expected to report to your home institution about your workflow and work progress, as well as in case of any problems that you might experience at the receiving institution.
When you return back home, to the Erasmus coordinator you will have to:
- provide Confirmation Letter of your stay
- fulfil EU Survey – Mobility Tool.
You are expected to write post(s) on the UNG Mobility Blog about your Erasmus+ Mobility experience and to present your Erasmus experience at your Faculty/Department and during the Erasmus sessions.
Strategija vključevanja_osebe z manj priložnostmi (Strategy for Including Participants with Fewer Opportunities )