Materials Sciences 2nd cycle
Study programme: | Materials Science |
Main fields of study: | Physical science |
Programme code: | 2ZMA |
Programme cycle: | Second cycle master’s degree |
Name of the qualification: | Master's degree |
Qualification title: | magister materialov /magistrica materialov |
Qualification abbreviation: | mag. mater. |
Final examination: | no |
Dean: | prof. dr. Egon Pavlica |
Programme director: | doc. dr. Andraž Mavrič |
ECTS coordinator: | prof. dr. Iztok Arčon |
Educational activity and employability of graduates students
The Master study program "Materials Science" is interdisciplinary and research-oriented. The program is designed in cooperation with the National Institue of Chemistry and the Jožef Stefan Institute in accordance with excellent personnel and research conditions in the fields of physics and chemistry of materials, characterization of materials, as well as materials technologies and development of innovative products and services at all partner institutions. It is intended for students who want to acquire top competencies and knowledge in the fields of understanding and development of various new types of functional materials, with an emphasis on environmental and energy applications.
Conditions for enrollment and transitions between years
On the study program Material Science can be enrolled students who are completed the 1st level program in the scope of at least 180 ECTS in the field of Natural sciences and engineering in Slovenia (Physics, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials, Materials and Technology, Environment, Construction etc.).
For the transition from the first to the second year, students must select at least 48 ECTS from the exams passed.
In academic year 2018/2019, we introduced the Master Program "Material Science", which is interdisciplinary and research oriented. The program is designed in cooperation with the Chemical Institute and the Jožef Stefan Institute in accordance with good personnel and research conditions in the fields of materials physics and chemistry, characterization of materials, as well as materials technologies and the development of innovative products and services, including the protection of intellectual property.
Programme description
The Master study program "Material Science" is interdisciplinary and research-oriented. The program is designed in cooperation with the National Institue of Chemistry and the Jožef Stefan Institute in accordance with excellent personnel and research conditions in the fields of Physics and Chemistry of materials, material characterization, as well as the development of innovative products and services at all partner institutions. It is intended for students who want to acquire top competencies and knowledge in the fields of understanding and development of various new types of functional materials, with an emphasis on environmental and energy applications.
Admission requirements
Check the enrollment requirements at the Student Office
Educational and professional goals
The main objective of the second cycle Material Science programme is to train professionals who are able to engage in research and industrial processes by analysing, improving, and designing new materials for advanced devices and technologies in order to enable better efficiency, quality, and sustainability of products and processes in modern industries.
General competencies acquired through the programme
- Research skills (problem formulation, experimental design, project management - selection and organization of information, communication of results - research/development report, scientific work)
- Mastery of research methods, procedures and processes, development of critical and self-critical judgments
- Ability to apply and transfer knowledge to practice
- Ability to implement engineering projects
- Independence, responsibility and creativity in professional activities
- Development of communication skills, especially communication in an international environment
Subject-specific competences acquired through the programme
- Knowledge of all major material types and their applications
- Ability to integrate various skills in identifying and analysing technological problems
- Knowledge of related technologies, both in the production of materials and in their applications
- Knowledge of synthesis processes with advanced knowledge of advanced inorganic and other materials synthesis
- Knowledge of basic laboratory, spectroscopy, diffraction and microscopy techniques used in the field of materials
- Understanding of systems at the atomic, molecular and process levels
- The ability to conduct research and development work in the field of materials
- Knowledge of the "problem-oriented" concept
- Acquisition of the fundamentals of materials science and engineering knowledge in the form of integration of existing solutions
- Basic skills to implement materials research and development in an entrepreneurial environment
Access to further studies
After finishing the Master programme “Material Science” the graduates can continue their studies at the Graduate School of the University of Nova Gorica and pursue a PhD in Materials or in Physics.
Conditions for the completion of the study
To complete the studies, the student must collect 120 ECTS points, namely 60 in each year. The points include:
- Compulsory courses: 10 courses (84 ECTS),
- Elective courses: 3 courses (18 ECTS),
- Project work: 9 ECTS,
- Master thesis: 18 ECTS.
Students complete their studies with a master's thesis and its successful defense.
The conditions for completing an individual course are defined in the syllabus available online and written in the study rules.
Merila in načini za preverjanje in ocenjevanje študentovih učnih izidov za vsak predmet na Fakulteti naravoslovje razvidni iz učnih načrtov so vnešeni v spletne strani UNG. Študentje imajo za vsak predmet objavljene načine preverjanja znanja na začetku študijskega leta, oziroma ob začetku izvajanja predmeta. Oblike preverjanja znanja so prirejena potrebam posameznega predmeta (ustni izpiti, pisni izpiti, seminarske naloge, ....). Pri vseh oblikah študentje dobijo povratno informacijo o rezultatih naposredno od predavatelja, ki preverjanje izvede. Dostop do ocen imajo tudi preko elektronskega Sistema UNG, ki je individualen z geslom. Analizo izpitov redno opravlja študentska pisarna, kjer so za primerjavo dostopne tudi študentom. Analiz univerza zaradi varovanja osebnih podaktov ne objavlja na spletu (nekatere skupine so tako majhne, da bi se lahko ob objavi takoj vedelo za koga gre). V letnem poročilu univerze o kakovosti je del poročila namenjen specifično vsaki šoli/program (kakovost na UNG). Analiza študija na Fakulteti za naravoslovje je javno objavljena v samoevalcijskem poročilu in samoevalvacijskem poročilu UNG in je narejena na osnovi Poslovnika kakovosti.
Predvidene oblike dela s študenti in opis predvidenega poteka poučevanja
Načini poučevanja so odvisni od posameznega predmeta in so predstavljeni v predmetniku, ki je objavljen tukaj. V splošnem poteka poučevanje v obliki predavanj, vaj, praktičnih poskusov in samostojnega dela. Razmerje med kontaktnimi urami in samostojnim delom je v povprečju v razmerju 1:3. Predavanja potekajo v predavalnicah Fakultete za naravoslovje, praktični poskusi delno potekajo na Kemijskem Institutu ali na Institutu Jožef Stefan. Zaradi njihove narave ne morejo potekati na daljavo in se jih mora študent udeležiti lokalno v prilagojenem časovnem terminu.
Študentom s posebnimi potrebami ter vsem študentom, ki ob izrednih razmerah, oziroma iz drugih razlogov ne morejo prisostvovati pri izvedbi predvidenih organiziranih oblik študija (predavanja, vaje, seminarji) v predavalnici, se omogoči spremljanje prevadanj, vaj, in seminarjev v živo na daljavo preko videokonferenčnega sistema, skupaj s študenti, ki so v predavalnici. Videokonferenčni sistem omogoča dvosmerno komunikacijo. Vsem študentom se tudi omogoči redno komunikacijo na daljavo z njihovimi mentorji in nosilci predmetov pri govorilnih urah in konzultacijah preko videokonferenčnega sistema. Vsem študentom je omogočen dostop do e-učnih gradiv in nalog za doseganje predvidenih učnih izidov.
Študentom se v zgoraj navedenih primerih omogoči tudi izvedbo predvidenega preverjanja znanja v obliki ustnih in pisnih izpitov, zagorovov seminarjev ter zagovora diplomskega seminarja preko videokonferenčnega sistema.
Študentom se v zgoraj navedenih primerih ali ko iz drugih razlogov ne morejo opravljati individualnega raziskovalnega dela, praktičnih vaj v laboratorijih in računalniški učilnici, se omogoči, da to izvedejo v obdobjih izven predvidenega urnika, takrat ko lahko dostopajo do raziskovalnih laboratorijev, računalniških učilnic, razikovalne opreme oziroma lokacij za izvedbo vaj in praktičnega usposabljanja.
Pogoji za dokončanje študija
Za dokončanje študija mora študent zbrati 120 točk ECTS, in sicer v vsakem letniku po 60. Točke obsegajo:
- Obvezni predmeti: 10 predmetov (84 ECTS),
- Izbirni predmeti: 3 predmeti (18 ECTS),
- Projektno delo: 9 ECTS,
- Magistrsko delo: 18 ECTS.
Študenti zaključijo študij z magistrskim delom in njegovim uspešnim zagovorom.
Pogoji za dokončanje posameznega predmeta so opredeljeni pri opisu vsebin predmetov in zapisani v študijskih pravilih. Če študent posamezen izpit, semester ali letnik skladno z določili opravi na drugem programu ali instituciji, veljajo za dokončanje tega izpita, semestra ali letnika pogoji tamkajšnjega programa oziroma institucije.
Courses refresh
1. year
Compulsory courses | Hours | ECTS |
Diffraction characterisation methods | 180 | 6 |
Electron Microscopies | 180 | 6 |
Functional materials | 60 | 6 |
Material Chemistry | 360 | 12 |
Physical properties of materials | 320 | 12 |
UV and IR Spectroscopies | 180 | 6 |
X-ray spectroscopies | 45 | 6 |
General elective courses | Hours | ECTS |
Biomaterials | 180 | 6 |
Carbon materials | 170 | 6 |
Magnetism and superconductivity | 60 | 6 |
Polymer materials | 185 | 6 |
2. year
Compulsory courses | Hours | ECTS |
Master thesis | 540 | 18 |
Materials and technologies | 180 | 6 |
Project work | 270 | 9 |
General elective courses | Hours | ECTS |
Catalysts for heterogeneous catalysis | 180 | 6 |
Development of innovative products and services | 30 | 6 |
Materials for energy conversion and storage | 180 | 6 |
Nanoelectronics | 60 | 6 |
Nuclear magnetic resonance | 35 | 6 |
Surface physics | 90 | 9 |