Polymer materials
Materials Science
Objectives and competences
Students get to know the special nature of polymers in correlation to materials – they understand the meaning of their macromolecular structure compared to low molecular weight compounds. They learn about the physico-chemical structures and properties of polymers and their relation to applications. They learn basic chemical synthesis methods for the preparation of polymers. They get an insight into basic polymer characterization methods. They learn about the basic types of polymers and their applications.
They learn about the nature and use of polymer composites. They gain understanding on basic polymer processing techniques and their use.
They learn about similarities and distinctions between artificial and natural polymers, sustainability aspects of polymers and plastics and methods for managing plastic waste.
Finished introductory university level chemistry and physics courses including laboratory practice.
- Introduction and definition of polymers
- Polymerization and chemical nature of polymers
- Properties of polymers: morphology, molar mass distribution, thermal properties, physical properties
- Basic classification of polymer materials; properties and applications
- Characterization of polymers
- Processing and application technologies
- Polymer composites
- Artificial vs. natural polymers
- Sustainability and polymers; waste management
Intended learning outcomes
• H-G. Elias, “An Introduction to Plastics”, VCH Publishers., 1993 E-version
• Yu. Grosberg, A. R. Khoklov, “Giant Molecules”, Academic Press, 1997. E-version
• Azapagic, A. Emsley, I. Hamerton, “Polymers, the Environment and Sustainable Development” Wiley, 2003. E-version
• J. A. Brydson, “Plastics Materials” Buterworths, 1989. E-version
• J. Brandrup, M. Bittner, W. Michali, G. Menges, “Recycling and Recovery of Plastics”, Hanser Publishers, 1995
• Up-to-date review articles
Seminar work (20%), Participation in laboratory work (20%), Witten/oral exam (60%)
Lecturer's references
Doc. dr. Andrej Kržan:
Assistant Professor for Environment protection at the University of Nova Gorica
Selected publications:
KLUN, Urša, FRIEDRICH, Jožica, KRŽAN, Andrej. Polyamide-6 fibre degradation by a lignolytic fungus. Polym. degrad. stab., 2003, vol. 79, no. 1, p. 99-104.
ŽAGAR, Ema, KRŽAN, Andrej, ADAMUS, Grazyna, KOWALCZUK, Marek. Sequence distribution in microbial poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) co-polyesters determined by NMR and MS. Biomacromolecules, 2006, vol. 7, no. 7, p. 2210-2216.
KRŽAN, Andrej, HEMJINDA, Sarunya, MIERTUS, Stanislav, CORTI, Andrea, CHIELLINI, Emo. Standardization and certification in the area of environmentally degradable plastics. Polym. degrad. stab., 2006, vol. 91, no. 12, p. 2819-2833.
KRŽAN, Andrej, ŽAGAR, Ema. Microwave driven wood liquefaction with glycols. Bioresour. technol., 2009, no. 12, vol. 100, p. 3143-3146.
KRŽAN, Andrej. Highly oxidized polymers as an extreme of (bio)degradable polymers. J. mol. struct., Theochem., 2009, vol. 902, no. 1/3, p. 49-53.
PALATINUS, Andreja, KRŽAN, Andrej, FORTE, Janez, PETERLIN, Monika. Odpadki v morju in prva ocena prisotnosti mikrodelcev plastike v slovenskem morju. Gospodarjenje z okoljem, 2012, vol. 21, no. 82, p. 2-8.
REMŠKAR, Maja, ISKRA, Ivan, JELENC, Janez, ŠKAPIN, Srečo D., VIŠIĆ, Bojana, VARLEC, Ana, KRŽAN, Andrej. A novel structure of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) stabilized by MoS[sub]2 nanotubes. Soft matter, 2013, vol. 9, no. 36, p. 8647-8653.
PERDIH, Peter, KRŽAN, Andrej, ŽAGAR, Ema. Synthesis of dendronized poly(L-glutamate) via azide-alkyne click chemistry. Materials, 2016, vol. 9, no. 4 p,. 1-15
KOLLER, Martin, DIAS, Miguel Miranda de Sousa, RODRÍGUEZ-CONTRERAS, Alejandra, KUNAVER, Matjaž, ŽAGAR, Ema, KRŽAN, Andrej, BRAUNEGG, Gerhart. Liquefied wood as inexpensive precursor-feedstock for bio-mediated incorporation of (R)-3-hydroxyvalerate into polyhydroxyalkanoates. Materials, 2015, vol. 8, no. 9, p. 6543-6557.