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Slovene as a Foreign Language II

This course is part of the programme
Master in SL studies - Linguistics

Objectives and competences

Students learn the Slovene language by studying all linguistic levels – from the phonological level to the textual-syntactic level, and thus practise communicating in the Slovenian language.

The aim of this basic course of the Slovene language is to develop all four types of the students' linguistic skills, that is communication, listening, reading and writting skills.


Completed course of Slovene as a Foreign Language I or proven mastery of Slovene at A2 level.


Developing the students' listening, speaking, written and reading skills by working on appropriate textual models and by using appropriate audiovisual aids.

  • Acquiring vocabulary on various topics.
  • Analysis and interpretation of audio recordings and written texts.
  • Reading of more complex texts and acquiring vocabulary covering various topics.
  • Analysis and production of texts in the Slovene language covering various topics.
  • The students learn to use advanced grammar units in texts.

Intended learning outcomes

Students are able to understand texts that describe familiar matters, as well as to understand the main ideas of more complex texts. They know how to create texts on topics that interest them. They know how briefly give explanations for opinions.


  • Polona Liberšar idr.: Naprej pa v slovenščini. Učbenik za nadaljevalce na kratkih tečajih slovenščine kot drugega ali tujega jezika (B1). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2015. Catalogue


Successfully passing two preliminary tests and presentation. Successfully passing the written and oral examinations at the end of the period of lectures.

20 % two preliminary tests, 70 % final written and oral examination, 10 % presentation

Lecturer's references

Boris Kern is assistant professor and research fellow at the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language, ZRC SAZU, and as an external associate he lectures at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica. He is the co-author and co-editor-in-chief of the dictionaries of the modern Slovene language: eSSKJ: Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika and ePravopis (until 2019), as a co-author he also participated in compiling Dictionary of New Slovenian Words and the 2nd, revised edition of the Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard Language. He is the leader of the group for word formation and normative studies in the project of compilig eSSKJ. His research areas are: word formation, lexicology, lexicography, orthography, phonetics and Slovene as a second and foreign language.

Maja Melinc Mlekuž is a researcher at the Slovene Research Institute (SLORI) in Trieste and at the Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Science and Research Centre Koper. Since 2008, she has been a lecturer in Slovene as a second/foreign language at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica, for many years also as a teaching assistant in Slovene Literature, as well as in Literature didactics and Language didactics. She has taught Slovene and History in Slovene-language schools in Italy. She focuses on the development of intercultural competence, the didactics of the Slovene language, pedagogical research in the field of Slovene-Italian cultural contact, and the design of didactic materials for learning Slovene in schools with the Slovene as the language of instruction in Italy. She is also editor of the SM(e)Jse (Slovene as a Minority Language) portal.

Selected articles:
• KERN, Boris. Kombinatorika priponskih obrazil v besedotvornih sestavih glagolov čutnega zaznavanja. V: KRAJNC IVIČ, Mira (ur.), ŽELE, Andreja (ur.). Pogled v jezik in iz jezika : Adi Vidovič Muha ob jubileju, (Mednarodna knjižna zbirka Zora, 133). Maribor: Univerzitetna založba / University Press. 2020, str. 67–79. [COBISS.SI-ID 46130477]
• KERN, Boris, VIČAR, Branislava. Jezik in transspolne identitete. Slavistična revija, letn. 67, št. 2. 2019, str. 413–422. [COBISS.SI-ID 44910637]
• KERN, Boris. Stopenjsko besedotvorje (Na primeru glagolov čutnega zaznavanja). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2017. [COBISS.SI-ID 291202048]
• KERN, Boris. Wpływy obcojęzyczne na współczesny język słoweński. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, T. 62. 2016, str. 39–48. [COBISS.SI-ID 64288610]
• KERN, Boris. Zagadnienia słowotwórcze w wybranych podręcznikach do nauczania języków słoweńskiego i polskiego jako obcych. V: PAŁUSZYŃSKA, Edyta (ur.), GARNCAREK, Piotr (ur.), MAŁYSKA, Agata (ur.). Glottodydaktyka – media – komunikacja. Negocjowanie znaczeń. 2014, str. 211–220. [COBISS.SI-ID 57085282]
• KERN, Boris. Politična korektnost v slovaropisju. V: ZULJAN KUMAR, Danila (ur.), DOBROVOLJC, Helena (ur.). Zbornik prispevkov s simpozija 2013 – Škrabčevi dnevi 8; 2013; Nova Gorica. 2015, str. 144–154. [COBISS.SI-ID 41919789]
• MELINC MLEKUŽ, Maja. Pouk slovenščine v Furlaniji - Julijski krajini med epidemijo covida-19: raziskovalna spoznanja in metodološki okvir za pripravo gradiv. V: MLEKUŽ, Ana (ur.), ŽAGAR, Igor Ž. (ur.). Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: učenje in poučevanje na daljavo - izkušnje, problemi, perspektive: [znanstvena monografija = scientific monograph]. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Str. 67–79, 182–184. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes, 43. [COBISS.SI-ID 123000067]
• MELINC MLEKUŽ, Maja. Sporazumevalna zmožnost v šolah s slovenskim učnim jezikom v Italiji. Razprave in gradivo : revija za narodnostna vprašanja. 2019, no. 83, str. 67–82. [COBISS.SI-ID 14084173]
• MELINC MLEKUŽ, Maja. Didaktično-metodični vidiki pouka slovenščine na slovensko-italijanskem kulturnem stiku = Didactic-methodological aspects of teaching Slovenian in the Slovenian-Italian cultural contact area. V: ANDRES, Rok (ur.), et al. Slovanski jeziki na stičišču kultur : konferenčni e-zbornik. Ljubljana: Zveza društev Slavistično društvo Slovenije, Študentska sekcija, 2016. Str. 41–59. [COBISS.SI-ID 25905923]