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Topics in Slovenian linguistics

This course is part of the programme
Master in SL studies - Linguistics

Objectives and competences

• To introduce students to current developments in linguistic theory and current issues in linguistics;
• To present students linguistically interesting topics in Slovenian;
• To offer students the opportunity to conduct original linguistic work on any topic related to Slovenian language.


In order to successfully participate in in-class discussions and to follow the lectures, the student should take the introductory linguistic courses. This course is related to other courses in the programme curriculum.


The content of this course is not fixed and as such will change from year to year. The overall aim of the course is to offer an in-depth exploration of a selected phenomena observed in Slovenian that relate to recent developments in linguistic theory. The organization of the course is such so as to enable investigations of issues within the various fields of linguistic theory, i.e. to cover topics in syntax, semantics, phonology or any other field in linguistics.

Intended learning outcomes

The students will have some knowledge about various topics that fall under the structure of Slovenian. They will know the basic literature about it and the main directions of current research.


Besides the Grammar of Slovenian by Jože Toporišiča (Slovenska slovnica), main source of reading material present papers from various journals, both Slovenian (e.g. Slavistična revija, Jezik in slovstvo, Slovenski jezik, Jezikoslovni zapiski) and leading international linguistic journals, such as: Linguistic Inquiry, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Syntax, Lingua, The Linguistic Review, Natural Language Semantics, Language, Linguistics, etc.


Active participation in in-class discussions (40%). Final term paper (60%)

Lecturer's references

Marušič, Franc in Rok Žaucer. 2006. On the intensional feel-like construction in Slovenian. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 24: 1093-1159.
Marušič, Franc. 2007. Some thoughts on phase extension to a single interface. Theoretical Linguistics 33.1: 83-91.
Marušič, Franc. 2008. On Slovenian clitics. V Andrei Antonenko, John Bailyn in Christina Bethin (ur.): Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 16: The Stony Brook Meeting 2007. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications. pp. 266-281.
Marušič, Franc & Rok Žaucer. 2010. Clitic doubling in a determinerless language with second position clitics. V Formal Studies in Slavic Linguistics, Proceedings of FDSL 7.5, (eds.): G. Zybatow, P. Dudchuk, S. Minor, & E. Pshehotskaya. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. pp. 101-115.
Marušič, Franc and Rok Žaucer. 2014. A definite article in the AP - evidence from colloquial Slovenian. In Nominal constructions in Slavic and beyond, edited by L. Schrucks, U. Etxeberria, A. Giannakidou, & P. Kosta. Frankfurt: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 183-208