Phonetics and Phonology
Master in SL studies - Linguistics
Objectives and competences
• To introduce students with the foundations of phonetics and phonology;
• To introduce students to basic and fundamental literature in Phonetics and Phonology;
• To present the main theories, ie. the core theoretical aparatus of the most popular phonological theories;
• To help students develop the ability to recognize and pursue significant research topics in phonetics and phonology;
• To give students the foundations on with which they can start doing actual linguistics.
Being an introductory course, no prior knowledge of phonology is assumed. At least one course in general linguistics is recommended but not obligatory.
• What is Phonology? Why do human languages have phonology?
• Element Theory: The building blocks of phonological expressions.
• Constituent Structure: What are phonological trees?
• Phonological Government and Licensing
• Empty Categories
• The Phonology-Morphology Interface
• Lexical versus Phonological phenomena
Material discussed in lectures also forms the main part of the tutorials, where additonal instruction is devoted to the main issues. Emphasis is given to empirical study and actual analysis of language data
Intended learning outcomes
Students will have a good overview over the core literature in phonetics and phonology, they will familiarize themselves with the most interesting questions and the most pressing problems in phonetics and phonology.
- KAYE, J.D.Phonology: A Cognitive View, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: Hillsdale, N.J., 172 pages (1989).
- KAYE , J.D., LOWENSTAMM, J. and J. R. VERGNAUD, "The internal of structure of phonological elements: a theory of charm and government," Phonology Yearbook 2:305 328, (1985).
- KAYE, J.D., LOWENSTAMM, J. and J.-R. VERGNAUD, "Constituent structure and government in phonology", Phonology 7.2:193-231, (1990).
- KAYE, J.D. "Coda licensing", Phonology 7.2:301-330, (1990).
- KAYE, J. D. “Derivations and internfaces”, in Durand, Jacques and Francis Katamba (eds.), Frontiers of Phonology, Longman Linguistics Library, London, pp. 289-332, (1995).
- KAYE, J.D . “Do you believe in magic? The story of s+C sequences”, in Kardela, Henryk and Bogdan Szymanek (eds.), A festschrift for Edmund Gussmann, Lublin, Catholic University of Lublin, pp. 155-176, (1996).
- In-class participation 20 %
- Term paper 80 %
Lecturer's references
Prof. dr. Franc Marušič je predavatelj jezikoslovja na Fakulteti za humanistiko na Univerzi v Novi Gorici. Njegovo osrednje raziskovalno področje je skladnja, pri čemer je večino svojega raziskovalnega dela opravil na slovenski skladnji. Priložnostno se je ukvarjal tudi s fonologijo, konkretno z morfofonologijo nestabilnih afiksov.
Izbor člankov:
MARUŠIČ, Franc, ŽAUCER, Rok. O določnem ta v pogovorni slovenščini (z navezavo na določno obliko pridevnika). Slavistična revija. [Tiskana izd.], jan.-jun. 2007, letn. 55, št. 1/2, str. 223-247. [COBISS.SI-ID 700923]
MARUŠIČ, Franc. Some thoughts on phase extension to a single interface. Theor. linguist., 2007, vol. 33, no. 1, str. 83-91. [COBISS.SI-ID 637947]
MARUŠIČ, Franc, ŽAUCER, Rok. On the intensional feel-like construction in Slovenian : a case of a phonologically null verb. Nat. lang. linguist. theory, vol. 24, no. 4, str. 1093-1159. [COBISS.SI-ID 589563]
LARSON, Richard K., MARUŠIČ, Franc. On indefinite pronoun structures with APs : reply to Kishimoto. Linguist. inq., 2004, vol. 35, no. 2, str. 268-287. [COBISS.SI-ID 472315]