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Slovene language for foreigners

This course is part of the programme
Master in SL studies - Linguistics

Objectives and competences

Students learn the Slovene language by studying all linguistic levels – from the phonological level to the textual-syntactic level, and thus practise communicating in the Slovenian language.
The aim of this basic course of the Slovene language is to develop all four types of the students' linguistic skills, that is communication, listening, reading and writting skills.


There are no prerequisites.

In the introductory part of the course, zhe students acquire basic knowledge of the Slovene language.

In order to successfully participate in in-class discussions and to follow the lectures, the student should take the introductory linguistic courses.


eveloping the students' listening, speaking, written and reading skills by working on appropriate textual models and by using appropriate audiovisual aids.

  • Acquiring vocabulary on various topics.
  • Analysis and interpretation of audio recordings and written texts.
  • Reading basic authentic professional texts and acquiring vocabulary covering various topics.
  • Analysis and production of shorter texts in the Slovene language covering various topics.
  • Grammar (basic morphology and syntax): the students learn to use basic grammar units in texts.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:
The students are able to understand basic grammatical structures and use them appropriately in speech and writing.


Nataša Pirih Svetina, Andreja Ponikvar: A, B, C … 1, 2, 3 gremo. Učbenik za začetnike na kratkih tečajih slovenščine kot drugega ali tujega jezika. Ljubljana: Center za slovenščino kot drugi tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovenistiko Filozofske fakultete, 2006.
Ivana Petric Lasnik, Nataša Pirih Svetina, Andreja Ponikvar: Gremo naprej. Učbenik za nadaljevalce na tečajih slovenščine kot drugega ali tujega jezika. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2009.
Andreja Markovič, Vesna Halužan idr.: S slovenščino nimam težav. Učbenik za kratke tečaje slovenščine. Nadaljevalna stopnja. Ljubljana: Center za slovenščino kot drugi tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovenistiko Filozofske fakultete, 2004.
Andreja Markovič, Danuša Škapin idr.: Slovenska beseda v živo 2. Učbenik za nadaljevalni tečaj slovenščine kot drugega/tujega jezika. Ljubljana: Center za slovenščino kot drugi tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovenistiko Filozofske fakultete, 2004.
Drugo pri predavanjih in vajah razdeljeno gradivo (učni listi, plakati) / Other study materials provided during the lectures and tutorials (worksheets, posters).


Successfully passing the preliminary test after the first period of lectures. Successfully passing the written and oral examinations (90 % written examination, 10 % oral examination) at the end of the period of lectures.

Lecturer's references

Dr. Maja Melinc Mlekuž, Slovene language lecturer, has been cooperating with the University of Nova Gorica (School of Humanities) since the academic year 2008/2009, first as a lecturer for Slovene as a second/foreign language, 2012–2016 as an assistant for Slovenian Literature and since the academic year 2016/2017 as an assistant for Didactics of Literature and Didactics of Language. Her professional interest is centered on the didactics of literature, empirical educational research and in particular on the teaching of Slovene in schools with Slovenian teaching language in Italy. She teaches Slovene and History at the state educational institution with Slovenian teaching language Trubar-Gregorčič in Gorizia (Italy). She is also a co-editor of the magazine Slovenian in schools (Slovenščina v šoli).