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Humanities Seminar 2

This course is part of the programme
Master's Degree Programme Humanities Studies

Objectives and competences

  • To provide students with an introduction to the most current topics and methodologies in the humanities, especially in the fields (and cross-cutting the fields) of linguistics, literary studies, and historical, intercultural and related studies;
  • to offer students a comprehensive overview of the content of study and extra-curricular activities at the level of all programme tracks, and at the level of the institution, including local and international partnerships and employment opportunities;
  • support and guide the student in the development of a thematic academic presentation to the academic community;
  • offer the student a variety of topics, tools and methodologies to help them to progressively develop their own idea for subsequent in-depth research and master thesis;
  • offer the student an overview of possible mentoring and consultancy support from the wider academic community, including external experts;
  • encourage the student to reflect on their learning experience throughout the academic year, relating them to previous experiences, stimulating both a broad exploration of new themes and approaches and a strategic planning of their own further academic development;
  • empowering the student to try out and combine different approaches, methods, tools and modes of scientific thinking.


Successful completion of the previous HS1 course is a prerequisite to enrollment, except in the case that student attendance is limited in semester (e.g. mobility). The course is linked to Academic Writing and Research Work.


This course introduces a selection of themes, research processes and events that are presumed to have broad interest and student-appeal and that come from all three tracks of the Humanities Studies programme in two consecutive semesters. It opens up the space for guest lectures by foreign or local partners and partner institutions and thus supports the involvement of external experts who can also act in (co)mentoring roles. The course can incorporate current conferences, academic-cultural and other events at the School of Humanities, UNG and beyond, stimulate interdisciplinary discussion and reflection, but also risk bolder trans-disciplinary tensions (e.g. art—science, natural sciences—humanities, NGO—academic sector). In addition to moderated discussions and student presentations, the course also includes thematic excursions, experiments and community events, as well as initial student publications in online and print media.

The course is taught in two consecutive semesters of the first year of the Master's degree. Seminar topics, which are treated by students in groups and with the support of tutors, are advertised at the beginning of the Winter Semester (HS1). The range of topics is also determined by the current activities of the research centres, the range of projects, academic visits and external or partner events. Topics may cover a variety of fields in the humanities and are not limited to the specific fields of linguistics, literary studies, and historical and intercultural studies. At the end of the Winter Semester, students give an oral presentation (in an academic plenum) of the design of their seminar research in relation to the topic they have initially chosen and receive critical feedback from tutors and peers on their group presentation. Preferably building on the design of HS1, they develop a full seminar paper in the Spring Semester (HS2), with each member of the group taking on a specific role. In addition to the regular group monitoring of progress on the seminar paper, various follow-up events, guest lectures, excursions, etc., possibly related to selected seminar topics, take place throughout the course of the Spring Semester. In the second half of the Spring Semester, individual presentations of the seminar papers are also assessed as written products. Ongoing active participation is also an important part of the assessment (80 %), while external communication of the research is encouraged.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:

(Students ...)
- develop an understanding of select current topics and methodologies in the humanities, particularly in the fields of linguistics, literary studies, and historical, intercultural and related studies;
- acquire an understanding of specific themes, approaches and methodologies in research and learn to apply these; they grasp the programme-based interconnectedness of other curricular and extra-curricular activities at the level of all programme tracks, and at the level of the institution, including local and international partnerships and extending to employment opportunities;
- gain an overview of the opportunities for mentoring and consultancy support from the wider academic community, including external experts on whom they can draw for their research and other academic work;
- develop creativity and a critical stance in thinking about and communicating research in the academic and wider social environment;
- are aware of important developments in the humanities and their role in society, especially in terms of interdisciplinary and intersectoral integration.


(Students ...)
- develop and consolidate their skills in academic debating, open discussion, and an appreciation of the culture of dialogue;
- understand the importance of academic presentation and consolidates skills in this area by critically analysing their own competencies in the broader context of the study programme;
- develop innovation in the way that communicates the process and results of research, both in writing and verbally;
- reflect on the learning experience offered by the course and from their integration in an academic community and develop strategies of independence and skills for self-management on a sustainable career path.


To be determined on an annual basis and according to the topic and the planned programme of visits or events (fieldwork); the literature and sources for the seminar papers derive from individual research theses.


  • Attendance (80% attendance of all meetings is required to successfully complete the course)
  • Active participation in meetings
  • Presentation of the seminar research design

Lecturer's references

Assoc. Prof. Kristina Pranjić, PhD graduated in comparative literature, and Russian language and literature at the University of Ljubljana. She defended her doctoral thesis entitled Non-objective Sound and Image: Bely, Kruchenykh, Malevich at the same institution in 2018. She led the research project Yugoslav Avantgardes and Metropolitan Dada (1916–1927): A Multidirectional and Transnational Genealogy, financed by the Slovenian Research Agency (2019–2021). Currently she is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities and the Academy of Arts of the University of Nova Gorica, where she leads the modules Theory and History of Art and Media, and Discourses in Practice. At the Faculty of Media in Ljubljana she lectures on Media Art and Graphic Design, and the semiotics of media and communications. In her theoretical and research work, she focuses mainly on the historical avant-garde of the 20th century and the re-actualization of the avant-garde today. She has conducted research in the field of art and literature of historical avant-garde and new media art and aesthetics at the University of Konstanz, the University of Belgrade and the University of Paris 8.

Assoc. Prof. Peter Purg, PhD currently leads the New Media module in the Digital//Media Arts and Practices graduate//postgraduate programme at the School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica, where he acts as Associate Professor, projects coordinator as well as expert across realms of digital culture and media. Since December 2021 he is Dean of the School of Humanities. Having obtained a PhD in media art, communication science and literary studies from the University of Erfurt (Germany), his scientific inquiries now include media arts pedagogy, interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation, media art and media ecology. His artistic interests range from (lecture) performances and intermedia installations to public-space interventions as well as participatory creative processes. He is active in the field of cultural and higher education policymaking and quality assurance.