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Intercultural Education

This course is part of the programme
Master's Degree Programme Humanities Studies

Objectives and competences

The main aim of the course is to introduce students to scientific research work in their chosen field by critically presenting the theoretical and methodological development of the field, the basic terminological apparatus and the significance of previous findings. Students will be introduced to:
- the development of the field internationally,
- in the Slovenian context, and
- possibilities of further research.


The course is interdisciplinary and interconnects with other humanities courses in the programme.


The course is aimed at the study of the development of multi-cultural and intercultural education in the international and Slovenian contexts, with an emphasis on the development of the intercultural capacities of all those involved in the educational process of teaching languages, literature, history and other humanities subjects in this programme.
The course is structured along three axes:
1) the criteria of intercultural education and the possibilities of development in the Slovenian educational system,
2) a comparative perspective between Slovene women, Slovenes around the world and immigrant women and immigrants in Slovenia in the light of their presence in curricula, materials (especially in the teaching of languages, literature, history in primary and secondary school),
3) active cooperation with immigrant women or men and members of minorities.
Countries are multilingual, multicultural and multi-religious within their borders, and curricula mostly present only the perspectives of the majority, while minority communities or immigrants are overlooked or presented in a biased way, according to international and Slovenian research. The subject of intercultural education goes beyond this and seeks to place their voices, activities and perspectives into the educational system in curricula and materials. This subject develops intercultural competence, seeks opportunities for intercultural dialogue and demands active citizenship from all those involved in the educational process in the various humanities subjects.

Intended learning outcomes

After passing the exam, students will have:
- acquired basic understanding of multi- and intercultural education of contemporary society in international and Slovenian contexts,
- participated in a public intercultural event,
- engaged in critical reading, analysis of scientific and other literature, and have written different types of texts.


  • Bennett, Christine I. (2011). Comprehensive multicultural education: theory and practice. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. E-version
  • Dežan, Lucija, Sedmak, Mateja (2020). Policy and practice: The integration of (newly arrived) migrant children in Slovenian schools. Annales, Series historia et sociologia 30/4, 559–574. DOI 10.19233/ASHS.2020.37. E-version
  • Dimkovska, Lidija (ur.) (2014). Iz jezika v jezik: antologija sodobne manjšinske in priseljenske književnosti na Slovenskem. Ljubljana: Društvo slovenskih pisateljev.
  • Ermenc, Klara S. (2007). Vzgoja za sožitje med različnimi možna le kot subverzivna dejavnost učitelja? Zgodba o uspehu s priokusom grenkobe – diskriminacija v Sloveniji (ur. Silvo Devetak). Maribor: ISCOMET – Inštitut za etnične in regionalne študije, 62–69. E-version
  • Ermenc, Klara S., Štefanc, Damijan, Mažgon, Jasna (2020). Challenges of differentiated and individualized teaching in vocational education: the case of Slovenia. Problems of education in the 21st century 78/5, 815–831. DOI 10.33225/pec/20.78.815. E-version
  • Gorski, Paul (2012). Equity and social justice from the inside-out: ten commitments for intercultural educators. Mapping the broad field of multicultural and intercultural education worldwide: towards the development of a new citizen (ur. Nektaria Palaiologou, Ginther Dietz). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 388–401. E-version
  • Grant, Carl A., Agostino, Portera (ur.) (2011). Intercultural and multicultural education: enhancing global interconnectedness. New York, Oxon: Routledge. Catalogue
  • Hahl, Kaisa idr. (ur.). (2015). Diversities and interculturality in textbooks: Finland as an example. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Catalogue
  • Kalc, Aleksej, Milharčič Hladnik, Mirjam, Žitnik Serafin, Janja (2020). Doba velikih migracij na Slovenskem. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. Catalogue
  • Kalin, Jana (2009). Pedagoški vidiki sodelovanja učiteljev in staršev: izzivi za učitelje, šolo, starše in družbeno skupnost. Šola kot stičišče partnerjev: sodelovanje šole, družine in lokalnega okolja pri vzgoji in izobraževanju otrok (ur. Franc Cankar, Tomi Deutsch). Ljubljana: Zavod RS za šolstvo, 83–97.
  • King, Russell idr. (2010). The atlas of human migration: global patterns of people on the move. London: Earthscan. E-version
  • Koser, Khalid (2007). International migration: a very short introduction. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. E-version
  • Lesar, Irena, Ivana Čančar, Jug Došler, Anita (2012). Učitelji iz Slovenije in Švedske o poučevanju (novo)priseljenih učencev. Dve domovini/Two Homelands 36, 59–72 E-version
  • Lesar, Irena, Majcen, Ivana, Podlesek, Anja (2020). Stališča (bodočih) pedagoških delavcev kot temelji kakovostnemu vključevanju otrok priseljencev. Dve domovini/Two Homelands 52, 147–164 E-version
  • Lukšič Hacin, Marina, Milharčič Hladnik, Mirjam, Sardoč, Mitja (ur.). (2011). Medkulturni odnosi kot aktivno državljanstvo. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, https://doi.org/10.3986/9789612542719 E-version
  • Lukšič Hacin, Marina (2018). Selitvena dinamika slovenskega prostora v zgodovinski perspektivi. Dve domovini/Two Homelands, 48, 55–72 E-version
  • Milharčič Hladnik, Mirjam, Kožar Rosulnik, Klara (2021). The challenges of integrating migrant children into the Slovenian education system. Migrant children's integration and education in Europe: approaches, methodologies and policies (ur. Mateja Sedmak idr.). Barcelona: Octaedro, 187–204 E-version
  • Milharčič Hladnik, Mirjam (2020). Kolektivna izkušnja prebežništva in drugih oblik izseljevanja mladih po drugi svetovni vojni v pisnih, ustnih in drugih avto/biografskih virih. Dve domovini/Two Homelands 51, 151–166. https://doi.org/10.3986/dd.2020.1.09 E-version
  • Mlekuž, Jernej (2017). 'We Asked for Workers. We Got Bureks Instead': meanings and material significance of the burek in Slovenia. Ethnologia Europaea: journal of european ethnology 47/2, 72–86. E-version
  • Mlekuž, Jernej (2021). ABCČĆ migracij. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC SAZU. E-version
  • Nieto, Sonia Bode, Patty Bode (2008). Affirming diversity: the sociopolitical context of multicultural education. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Catalogue E-version
  • Palaiologou, Nektaria, Dietz, Gunther (ur.) (2012). Mapping the broad field of multicultural and intercultural education worldwide: towards the development of a new citizen. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.
  • Peček, Mojca, Ermenc, Klara S. (2016). Educating teachers to teach in culturally and linguistically heterogeneous classrooms. Sodobna pedagogika 67/2, 8–25 E-version
  • Portera, Agostino, Grant, Carl A. (ur.) (2017). Intercultural education and competences: challenges and answers for the global world. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. Catalogue
  • Rutar, Sonja (2018). Kakovost šole s perspektive učencev s priseljensko izkušnjo kot izhodišče za zagotavljanje inkluzivnega izobraževanja. Dve domovini/Two Homelands 48, 109–127 E-version
  • Sedmak, Mateja, Medarić, Zorana Medarić (2017). Life transitions of the unaccompanied migrant children in Slovenia: subjective views. Dve domovini/Two Homelands 45, 61–77 E-version
  • Šabec, Ksenija (2016). Slovenski učbeniki kot akter etnocentrične in rasistične socializacije: primer osnovnošolskih učbenikov za geografijo. Dve domovini/Two Homelands 44, 139–152 E-version
  • Toplak, Kristina (2019). Migracijski pojmovnik za mlade. Maribor: Aristej. Catalogue
  • Vižintin, Marijanca Ajša (2014). Model medkulturne vzgoje in izobraževanja: za uspešnejše vključevanje otrok priseljencev. Dve domovini/Two Homelands 40, 71–89 E-version
  • Vižintin, Marijanca Ajša (2016). (Im)migrant and ethnic minority literature in education curricula in Slovenia. CLCWeb (Comparative Literature and Culture) 18/1 E-version
  • Vižintin, Marijanca Ajša (2017). Medkulturna vzgoja in izobraževanje: vključevanje otrok priseljencev. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC SAZU. Catalogue
  • Vižintin, Marijanca Ajša (2018). Developing intercultural education. Dve domovini/Two Homelands 47, 89–106, E-version
  • Vižintin, Marijanca Ajša (2021). Začetki dopolnilnega pouka slovenskega jezika in kulture v Nemčiji v 20. stoletju. Dve domovini/Two Homelands 54, 189–204 E-version
  • Zorman, Anja, Zudič Antonič, Nives (2019). Intercultural sensitivity of teachers. Annales, Series Historia et Sociologia 29/2, 247–258 E-version
  • Žitnik Serafin, Janja (ur.) (2015). Slovensko izseljenstvo v luči otroške izkušnje. Ljubljana, Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, DOI: 10.3986/9789612548469. Catalogue


Regular attendance (80%) and active participation in lectures; three one-page abstracts of articles; at least one participation in a public event contributing to awareness-raising on intercultural society and a short report on the event; final seminar paper (review of the topic or a selection of original data, discussion, presentation).

Lecturer's references

Dr. Marijanca Ajša Vižintin is a research associate at the Institute for Slovenian Emigration and Migration, ZRC SAZU. She works in the field of integration of immigrant students into the Slovenian school system and develops an intercultural model of integration. She also researches the emigration of Slovenians to Germany and Bosnia and Herzegovina. She participates in a number of national and international projects related to migration issues, and attends Slovenian and international conferences. She is the author of several scientific articles and the scientific monograph "Intercultural education: integration of children of immigrants" (2017). In 2013-14, she was co-editor of the scientific journal Dve domovini / Two Homelands, https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/twohomelands. She coordinated the national project Only with Others We Are (2016-2021), https://lezdrugimismo.si/, which trained 10,208 educators in five 16-hour seminars. As an assistant professor at the University of Nova Gorica, she is a lecturer in the European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations (EMMIR) international postgraduate programme at the University of Stavanger, Norway.