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Slovenian Literature in Italy

This course is part of the programme
Master's Degree Programme Humanities Studies

Objectives and competences

Students will have knowledge of the specifics of the literary micro-system of Slovenian literature in Italy, they will be able to recognise their themes and motifs and their evolution, and they will understand the literature in the framework of its Slovenian and Italian literary and historical contexts.


The course is linked to intercultural approaches to literary studies.


This course offers a literary-historical and typological survey of Slovene literature in Italy with an emphasis on its regional and linguistic features (Trieste, Gorizia, Slavia Veneta, Resia). Slovenian literature in Italy is understood as a literary micro-system that is part of the Slovenian literary system and overlaps with the Italian literary system. To this end, the course presents both the historical and contemporary social context in which Slovenian literature in Italy has emerged or is emerging. In this way, through discussion and interaction, the course aims to encourage students to think in terms of literary history, to understand the context, and to recognize different perspectives in relation to the literary work that are related to different historical interpretations. At the same time, the course places special emphasis on understanding and tracing the literary discourse of Slovenian literature in Italy. It places Slovenian literature from Italy against the background of the discursive practices that shaped it. Through the analysis of texts, the course encourages students to explore the models shaping this corpus of Slovenian literature.

Intended learning outcomes

Students will be qualified to research the literature of Slovenians in Italy as a literary micro-system.


  • Lojzka Bratuž, 2001: Literarna podoba Gorice, mesta ob zahodni slovenski meji. Ljubljana : Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovanske jezike in književnosti Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Catalogue
  • Ballinger, P., 2003. History in Exile: Memory and identity at the Borders of the Balkans, Princeton University Press. (priporočeno) Catalogue
  • Jurić-Pahor, M., 2014. Mejni (s)prehodi: Homi K. Bhabha in teoretsko umeščanje njegovih koncepcij, Primerjalna književnost 37.1. 19-39. E-version
  • Kappus, E.-N., 1997. Prihodnost za Trst ali o rekontekstualizaciji zgodovine. Etnolog : glasnik Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja = bulletin of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum. [Nova vrsta]. 58. 7. 167-180. E-version
  • Miran Košuta, 2008: E-mejli : eseji o mejni literaturi. Maribor: Litera.
  • Irena Novak Popov, 2015: Senjam beneške piesmi kot dejavnik prenove narečne poezije v Slovenski Benečiji. Primerjalna književnost. 157-174, [238]. E-version
  • Irena Novak Popov, 2015: Pesniške strategije Viljema Černa : (posvečeno profesorici Mileni Kožuh 1928-2015). Jezik in slovstvo. 19-35, 193. E-version
  • Pirjevec, M., 2011. Periodizacija slovenske književnosti na Tržaškem (od 16. do 20. stoletja). Annales : anali za istrske in mediteranske študije = annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei = annals for Istrian and Mediterranean studies. Series historia et sociologia. Letn. 21, št. 2. 353-362. E-version
  • Pizzi, K., 2013. Literature between Slovenia and Italy: A case of missed transculturalism? Primerjalna književnost 36.1. 145-155. E-version
  • Ana Toroš, 2021: Minority literature and collective trauma : the case of Slovene Triestine literature. Razprave in version : revija za narodnostna vprašanja. 65-81. E-version
  • Ana Toroš, 2017: Minority writing : the case of Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italy), Goriška and Coastal-Karst regions (Slovenia). Slavia Centralis. 50-65. E-version


Midterm exam 50 %
Written exam 50 %

Lecturer's references

Dr Ana Toroš is Associate Professor and Director of the Doctoral Programme in Humanities at the University of Nova Gorica. Her main research interests are comparative studies of minority literature, literary imagology, cross-border didactics of literature, trauma studies and literature. Her research focuses on multicultural and multilingual literature in the border areas between Slovenia, Italy and Croatia (Trieste, Venetian Slovenia, Rhesia, Istria).

Izbrana dela
Znanstvene monografije (Scientific monographs):
● TOROŠ, Ana. Potovanje po neznanih poteh tržaškosti in Gradnikove poezije : izbrani spisi. Trst: Mladika: Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut, 2019.
● TOROŠ, Ana. O zemlja sladka: kamen, zrno, sok : Alojz Gradnik ter romanski in germanski svet. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, 2013. 186 str., ilustr. Razprave in eseji, 65.
● TOROŠ, Ana. Podoba Trsta in Tržaškega v slovenski in italijanski poeziji prve polovice 20. stoletja. V Novi Gorici: Univerza, 2011.

Znanstveni članki (Scientific articles):
● TOROŠ, Ana. Teaching minority literature : the case of Trieste. Razprave in gradivo : revija za narodnostna vprašanja. Dec. 2019, št. 83, str. 83-93.
● TOROŠ, Ana. The role of migrations and cultural hybridity in literary systems : studying the case of Alojz Gradnik in Argentina. Annales : anali za istrske in mediteranske študije. Series historia et sociologia. 2018, vol. 28, no 1, str. 65-76.
● TOROŠ, Ana. Slovene-Friulian-Italian literary connections at the beginning of the 20th century : the case of Alojz Gradnik and select Friulian and Italian authors. Interlitteraria. 2017, vol. 22, no. 2, str. 386-396.
TOROŠ, Ana. Minority writing : the case of Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italy), Goriška and Coastal-Karst regions (Slovenia). Slavia Centralis. [Tiskana izd.]. 2017, letn. 10, št. 2, str. 50-65.