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Phonetics and Phonology

This course is part of the programme
Master's Degree Programme Humanities Studies

Objectives and competences

The form and function of phonology. The major theoretical issues that surround attempts to answer this question.


Being an introductory course, no prior knowledge of phonology is assumed. At least one course in general linguistics is recommended but not obligatory. It is one of the three core courses and gives students the required foundations on which further knowledge can be built.


What is Phonology? Why do human languages have phonology?
Element Theory: The building blocks of phonological expressions.
Constituent Structure: What are phonological trees?
Phonological Government and Licensing
Empty Categories
The Phonology-Morphology Interface
Lexical versus Phonological phenomena

Intended learning outcomes

The students will learn the fundamentals of phonology, including different theories and approaches to phonological phenomena.


  • KAYE, J.D.Phonology: A Cognitive View, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: Hillsdale, N.J., 172 pages (1989). Catalogue
  • KAYE , J.D., LOWENSTAMM, J. and J. R. VERGNAUD, "The internal structure of phonological elements: a theory of charm and government," Phonology Yearbook 2:305 328, (1985). https://doi.org/10.1017/S0952675700000476 E-version
  • KAYE, J.D., LOWENSTAMM, J. and J.-R. VERGNAUD, "Constituent structure and government in phonology", Phonology 7.2:193-231, (1990). E-version
  • KAYE, J.D. "Coda licensing", Phonology 7.2:301-330, (1990). E-version
  • KAYE, J. D. “Derivations and interfaces”, in Durand, Jacques and Francis Katamba (eds.), Frontiers of Phonology, Longman Linguistics Library, London, pp. 289-332, (1995). Catalogue
  • KAYE, J.D . “Do you believe in magic? The story of s+C sequences”, in Kardela, Henryk and Bogdan Szymanek (eds.), A festschrift for Edmund Gussmann, Lublin, Catholic University of Lublin, pp. 155-176, (1996). ). E-version


Attendance is obligatory, a term paper, active participation in in-class discussions.
Homework assignments. 50 %
Final term paper or exam. 50 %

Lecturer's references

Prof. Dr. Franc Marušič is a lecturer in linguistics at the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies at the University of Nova Gorica. His main area of research is syntax, mainly on Slovene data, but he also occasionally focuses on the interface between language and other cognitive abilities, sociolinguistics and language counselling. At the University of Nova Gorica, he is also a lecturer in the Individual Research I course in the Linguistics Department of the second cycle Slovene Studies programme.

Selection of articles:

MARUŠIČ, Franc, ŽAUCER, Rok, SAKSIDA, Amanda, SULLIVAN, Jessica, SKORDOS, Dimitrios, WANG, Yiqiao, BARNER, David. 2021. Do children derive exact meanings pragmatically? : evidence from a dual morphology language. Cognition 207, [COBISS.SI-ID 42393347],
MARUŠIČ, Franc, ŽAUCER, Rok. 2021 Investigation of Slovenian copular agreement. V: FRANKS, Steven, TIMBERLAKE, Alan, WIETECKA, Anna W (ur.) Selected proceedings of the 14th meeting of the Slavic linguistics society : in honor of Peter Kosta. Berlin [etc.]: Peter Lang. Str. 141-170. [COBISS.SI-ID 95704579].
MARUŠIČ, Franc, ŽAUCER, Rok. 2021. Dual in Slovenian. V: HOFFHER, Patricia Cabredo (ur.). The Oxford handbook of grammatical number. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Str. 428-444. [COBISS.SI-ID 72925187]
MARUŠIČ, Franc, SHEN, Zheng. 2021. Gender Agreement with Exclusive Disjunction in Slovenian
Acta Linguistica Academica 68(4): 516-535. [COBISS.SI-ID 84895491]
SCHNEIDER, Rose M., SULLIVAN, Jessica, MARUŠIČ, Franc, ŽAUCER, Rok, BISWAS, Priyanka, MIŠMAŠ, Petra, PLESNIČAR, Vesna, BARNER, David. 2020. Do children use language structure to discover the recursive rules of counting?. Cognitive psychology, 117. [COBISS.SI-ID 5520635]
MARUŠIČ, Franc, MIŠMAŠ, Petra, ŽAUCER, Rok. 2020. Zakaj velika okrogla rdeča čestitka in ne rdeča velika okrogla čestitka? : poskus razlage nezaznamovane stave pridevnikov. V: KRAJNC IVIČ, Mira (ur.), ŽELE, Andreja (ur.). Pogled v jezik in iz jezika : Adi Vidovič Muha ob jubileju. Maribor: Univerzitetna založba, 2020. Str. 103-115. [COBISS.SI-ID 21145603]