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Video and Motion Graphics

This course is part of the programme
Digital Humanities, interdisciplinary programme

Objectives and competences

Acquisition of theoretical knowledge and skills to produce promotional videos (for a given product design) as part of student's portfolio. Acquiring knowledge of film language as a basis for understanding the specifics of language of video. Overview of the history of film in the context of learning about the various principles of film editing. Capacity for planning and directing a short video presentation, taking into account the principles of film editing techniques. Getting to know the principles of video editing, of editing images in a larger image and the use of video effects. View of the history of video media in the context of learning about the specifics of artistic use of video and television language. Capacity to plan and design a video and to demonstrate the mastery of complex cinematic and visual/graphic laws and principles. Qualifications for the design of multilayered visual communication in the video medium. Capacity to identify and critically evaluate the semantic and formal structure of videomessages in different genres of video and graphics in television genres (identity videos, program announcements) and capacity for planning for such messages. Getting to know the various traditional animation techniques, and learning the specific properties of computer animation. Capacity to produce traditional or digital animation and a knowledge of the use of animation within the design of video and computer presentation media (Internet
site, interactive CD and DVD-ROMs). Learning about the processes of integration and media skills to create a design as an integrated video media on computer media demonstration.


 A condition for participation is enrollment in academic year;
 products of individual exercises and laboratory work as a condition for accession to the final exam.


1 Film and video - are related but different media.
2 Film language and montage of plans. History: David Wark Griffith, Sergei Eisenstein, Alfred Hitchcock, Jean Luc Godard, Lars von Trier.
3 Travelling. Andrei Tarkovsky.
4 Screen-image. Language of video. Mise-en-page. Blue-key effect. Peter Greenaway.
5 The use of video effects to communicate meaning.
6 Structure of the image field within the track.
7 Script for video.
8 Historical review of video in the world and in Slovenia.
9 Analogue and digital video.
10 Digital video as a trajectory through the architecture.
11 Video and Integrated Media.
12 Fundamentals of television graphics. The typology of genres of television graphics.
13 Designing and animating text on a television or computer screen.
14 Classic animation and digital animation.
15 Creation of Web Graphics. Animation and video on-line.
16 The task: to design, install and record video or animation for the presentation of the selected design of the product.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:
The student is expected to acquire the knowledge of the literature, particularly the key theoretical contributions and key works from the history of film and video. Expected knowledge of basic elements, processes and principles of graphic design of visual communication in the video medium. The student is expected to understand concepts: motage of shots, take, the effect of the feedback loop, the blue-key effect, compositing, layering, television graphics, classic animation, digital animation, trajectory, traveling, suspense.


  • Barthes, Roland. Camera lucida. Ljubljana: ŠKUC, Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, 1992.
  • Bonitzer, Pascal. Slepo polje. Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis, 1985.
  • Gržinić, Marina. Rekonstruirana fikcija: Novi mediji, (video) umetnost,
    postsocializem in retroavantgarda: Teorija, politika, estetika: 1997-1985. Ljubljana, ŠOU, Študentska založba, 1997.
  • Videodokument. Ur. Barbara Borčič. Ljubljana: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2000. http://www.videodokument.org
  • Žižek, Slavoj. Pogled s strani. Ljubljana: Ekran/Imago, 1988.


 Oral exam,  practical assignments, project work

Lecturer's references

Aleš Vaupotič is assistant professor in new media at the Academy of Design Ljubljana, an associated member of the University of Primorska.

Teritoriji, identitete, mreže: Slovenska umetnost 1995–2005. Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, 2005. (Dva teksta o razstavljenih eksponatih v katalogu razstave, avtorja Igor Španjol in Nataša Petrešin ter citat iz recenzije dr. Janeza Strehovca.)

Poglej še enkrat, ni ga več tam: na platformi Podatkovna sipina 1.0/Data Dune 1.0. Kibela, MMC Kibla, Maribor, Slovenija, 2006. (Samostojna razstava, katalog.)

S.O.L.A.R.I.S.2. – Arhiva i interfejs / Archive and interface. (Samostojna razstava.) Galerija SKC, Beograd, 2007.

      1. Mednarodni festival računalniški umetnosti Maribor, 2004-2006. (Kustos festivala.)

1.3 Festival videa in novih medijev, Mestna galerija Ljubljana, 2007. (Kustos festivala.)

Pixxelpoint 2007. 8. mednarodni festival novomedijske umetnosti/8th International Festival of New Media Art. Nova Gorica, Slovenija. (Kustos festivala.)

Motion, Capture, Suit. Galerija Perpetuel, Frankfurt am Main, Nemčija, marec 2008. (Samostojna razstava in katalog.)

Jaques. Galerija Vžigalica, Ljubljana, februar 2009. (Samostojna razstava, katalog.)

Nodes. ZKM Karlsruhe, v sodelovanje s HFG Karlsruhe. November 2009. (Kustos in umetnik na skupinski razstavi.)

Rizom Grada. Beograd: Muzej nauke i tehnike, 2. - 8. 7. 2010. (Skupinska razstava.)

Fries. Gradec: Medien Kunst Labor, 15. - 17. 5. 2010. (Kustos in umetnik na skupinski razstavi.)

Mnemonic mirrors. Zagreb: Galerija SC, 22. 5. - 2. 6. 2012. (Kustos in umetnik na skupinski razstavi.)

Atlas, 5. 12. 2011 : künstlerisches Ereignis. Kassel, 9. 6. - 16. 9. 2012. (Kustos in umetnik na skupinski razstavi.)

Video, et gaudeo : 15 let Društva za povezovanje umetnosti in znanosti ArtNetLab, 1.-16. december 2014, Galerija ZDSLU, Ljubljana. (Kustos in umetnik na skupinski razstavi.)

Priznanje za področje Video in novi mediji na Majskem salonu 2014. Gospodarsko razstavišče Ljubljana, 2014.

Meritve. Galerija Društva likovnih umetnikov Ljubljana, april 2015. (Samostojna razstava.)

Tehniške slike. Zasavski muzej, samostojna razstava na mednarodnem festivalu novomedijske umetnosti Speculum Artium, Trbovlje, 2015.

For more: http://izumbib.izum.si/bibliografije/Y20120313163706-34800.html