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Italian Language 2

Objectives and competences

Students learn the Modern Italian language by studying all linguistic levels – from the phonological level to the textual-syntactic level, and thus practise communicating in the Italian language. A contrasting approach is used, which means that the students learn the Italian language system by comparing it to the Slovene language system.


A1 level of Italian is required.


Developing the students' listening, speaking, written and reading skills by working on appropriate textual models and by using appropriate audio-visual aids.
- Acquiring vocabulary on various topics.
- Analysis and interpretation of audio recordings
and written texts.
- Reading of more complex texts and acquiring
vocabulary covering various topics.
- Analysis and production of texts in the Slovene
language covering various topics.
- The students learn to use advanced grammar units in texts.

Intended learning outcomes

The students acquire the knowledge and the ability to communicate in a foreign language; the comprehension of texts, expressing and explaining notions, facts, emotions, thoughts and opinions; they learn how to compose texts in appropriate communicative situations; they understand and accept cultural differences.


  • Mezzadri Marco, Balboni E. Paolo: Nuovo Rete! A2. Corso multimediale di italiano per stranieri. Guerra Edizioni, 2010.


  • Active participation at lectures and tutorials 30 %;
  • written exam 50 %;
  • oral examinations, home assignments 20 %.

Lecturer's references

Urška Ščuka Buršić je diplomirala iz prevajalstva na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani in magistrirala iz mednarodnih odnosov na Univerzi v Bologni. Vrsto let je poučevala italijanščino in angleščino, organizirala jezikovne tečaje in pripravljala interne specializirane učbenike za italijanščino in angleščino. V Italiji je opravljala raziskovalno delo na Italijanskem inštitutu za družbene vede.

Ščuka, Urška (2016). Italijanski jezik v turizmu: nadaljevalni tečaj: interno gradivo.
Ščuka, Urška (2015). Italijanski jezik za začetnike: interno gradivo.
Ščuka, U. (2009). Položaj priseljencev iz tretjih držav na slovenskem trgu dela in njihova integracija. V: Primorska srečanja: revija za družboslovje in kulturo. Nova Gorica, Koper, Idrija: Društvo sociologov in politologov severnoprimorskih občin. Letn. 33, št. 328/329,
Ščuka, Urška, Silj, Alessandro (2009). Hidden Minorities in the Balkans. Roma: Consiglio Italiano per le Scienze Sociali, The Ethnobarometer Working Paper Series, no. 3, 2009.