Law history
Bachelor's study programme Cultural history (1st level)
Objectives and competences
The objective of the course is to give the students a basic overview over the concepts of law and its historical foundations. They also learn about the genesis of legal norms and political systems. They become familiar with the general characteristics of law, and its impact on historical processes and events. Special attention is given to the relationship between the rule of law and its effects on everyday life.
The course in connected with all couses in the programme Cultural History, as the legal traditions and concepts are the foundation of modern civilization. As such, this is one of the core courses of the entire study programme.
The students will first become familiar with the basic concepts and the answers to the fundamental questions: What is law? What is the essence of law? How was law created? They will learn the basic features of law that is related to the Slovenian area, ranging from Antiquity and the Middle Ages until the most recent period.
Special attention is devoted to the last period when the bourgeois revolutions have been establishing a legal and constitutional government. The students learn about the legislative history, administration and judiciary. Both personal and social development, culture in the broadest sense of the word can be produced only in certain legal frameworks.
The rule of law is the corner stone of modern human society and its social control. On the other hand, law can be seen as an excellent indicator of the cultural status of a society, its values and principles.
Special attention is given to the relationship between law and practice.
Intended learning outcomes
The students acquire basic legal concepts and understand legal terminology and the customs of different periods. They learn about the typical forms of legal documents (documents, laws, regulations). They learn to understand the effects of the law on everyday life.
The necessary readings will be given to the students on a regular basis. In addition, the students will be aquainted with further core literature.
- H. L. Hart, Koncept prava. Študentska organizacija Univerze, Ljubljana, 1994.
- G. Kušej, M. Pavčnik, A. Perenič, Uvod v pravoznanstvo. Uradni list Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, 1992.
- S. Vilfan, Pravna zgodovina Slovencev. Slovenska Matica, Ljubljana, 1961. Catalogue
- S. Vilfan, Uvod v pravno zgodovino. Uradni list Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, 1991. Catalogue
Seminar paper and oral exam.
Lecturer's references
Dr. Stanko Granda is full professor and research counsellor.
Granda Stane: Župnijska oznanilna knjiga kot zgodovinski vir. V: Arhivi, 1999, št. 1-2, str. 97-102
Granda Stane: Družbene in socialne razmere v 19. stoletju. Dolinar France M. (ur.): Župnija Preserje skozi čas. Preserje 2011, str. 363-385
Granda Stane: "Udriga, udriga, dons more use hin bit". V: Preinfalk Miha (ur.): Krim odmev bo dal. Ig 2002, str. 31-52
Granda Stane: Prva odločitev Slovencev za Slovenijo. Ljubljana 1999
Grdina Igor, Höfler Janez, Granda Stane, Müller Jakob, Snoj Marko, Torkar Silvo: Slovenci v zgodnjem srednjem veku. Ljubljana 2012