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Techniques in Practice 1

This course is part of the programme
Master's programme in Media Arts and Practices

Objectives and competences

In the scope of this module's objectives the student consolidates existing and develops further skills as relevant to own selected area of Media Arts and Practices, i.e. dependent from their Carrier module Selections, and negotiations within the Progress track module.
By successfully completing this module, the student confirms the competence to:
× Acquire and/or upgrade self-defined practical skills and skill-related understanding as relevant for field specific methodology and technology;
× Evaluate the acquired/upgraded knowledge and skills against other components of competence in the area, and reflect on their interconnections;

× Present and evaluate the acquired/upgraded knowledge and skills against other components of own competence.


The choice of TIP courselets as reflected in the module's syllabus depends on the process of competence negotiation within the Progress Track module, as well as mentoring decisions or fixed obligation within the respective Carrier Module selection (see table).

NOTE: For an overview of in-module (courselet-level) relationships and »specific contents« obligatory according to Carrier Module selection please see the appended »MAP_TIP-DIP_courselet-table_ENG« spreadsheet (sub-sheet »TIP«, columns F>K), for a detailed explanation of supportive modules (TIP, DIP and SIP) interrelationships please consult the »GENERAL NOTE ON TIP, DIP and SIP supportive modules implementation” at the bottom of this document.


The following syllabus, including its aims and outcomes, comprises the vertical structure of all 4 semesters to support the student's individual pathway of study in gradually attaining full competence within a (Carrier Module) area of Media Arts and Practices.
Along with the DIP supportive module, this module presents a common base of supporting courselets through which students obtain the necessary competence relevant to their choice of the Carrier Module and thus the pratical master project.

NOTE: For an overview of syllabus elements as courslet topics please see the appended »MAP_TIP-DIP_courselet-table_ENG« spreadsheet (sub-sheet »TIP«, columns C and D).

GENERAL NOTE ON TIP; DIP and SIP supportive modules implementation:

Throughout the entire course of study, from semester 1 to semester 4, students enrol in a variety of smaller implementation units (such as “courselets”) which provide them with competencies required for their final master project, always taking into account the individual student’s entry skills and knowledge, are artially ruled by their selection of the Carrier Module and negotiated with the expert mentor within the Progress Track module.
These supportive courses are gathered within three supportive modules named:
Techniques in Practice (TIP)
Discourses in Practice (DIP)
Selections in Practice (SIP)

These modules are compulsory, meaning that students have to earn ECTS from each, but students elect which courselets within the supportive module they will enrol based on their Carrier Module (area of production) needs.
For example, certain Techniques in Practice (TIP) courselets are automatically assigned to specific Carrier Modules, based on production-specific relevance. The selection of TIP, DIP and SIP courselets is always negotiated and confirmed on individual basis by the Carrier Module “expert” mentor(s), for each student, within the Progress Track module.

The Selections in Practice (SIP) module represents the so called “open part” of the curriculum, offering the students in the first year (4 ECTS per semester) to freely choose any of the smaller units offered under TIP or DIP, or even attend an additional Studio module run of 4 ECTS, or (upon prior agreement with SIP module leader) accredit any of the externally attained level- and area-relevant credits. Thus the programme offers the student to autonomously choose, but also negotiate along the Progress Track, an individual stress within the competency clusters of techniques, discourses and/or production management (as contained in the DIP module).

Some of the courses and/or courselets are mobility-oriented and/or concentrated in shorter workshops or structured around blended use of online-supported and classroom-type of teaching. Some are closely connected to Carrier Modules in terms of providing relevant skills and/or knowledge, and are therefore offered as a priority in the sequence of implementation (module-internal prerequisite system of courselets).

There are two clusters of TIP and DIP courses being offered: the WINTER and the SUMMER CLUSTER (reflecting winter and summer semester cycles). This allows for mixing of students from different semesters (1 and 3, 2 and 4), and enables a more sustainable manner of course delivery.

Some courses and/or courselets require specific prerequisites. Timely prerequisite acquisition is one of students’ main concerns, which they will continuously consult with their Carrier Module leader as (expert) mentors and Progress Track Review Committees; in order to acquire all required competencies for successful master project completion (according to the module-internal prerequisite system of courselets).

Techniques in Practice (TIP) supportive module includes a series of courselets that are practice-oriented and offer straightforward techniques and skill-based workshops. They are structured in 2, 3 or 4 ECTS each.
Discourses in Practice (DIP) supportive module includes a series of courselets that are theory, history and criticism-oriented and are structured as lectures or seminars with in 2, 3 or 4 ECTS each. This supportive module also includes, in semesters 1, 3 and 4, courselets with 2 ECTS that are practice and seminar-oriented and supply students with essential skills for fundraising and pitching, presenting, project design and management, distribution and dissemination...

Selections in Practice (SIP) is a separate, cumulative module, where student accredits a total of 8 ECTS (4 ECTS in semester 1 and 4 ECTS in semester 2) within the “open curriculum” principle as described above, in the first year of study.

Student’s number of earned ECTS from three supportive modules can vary within the semesters, but there is a minimum ECTS credits in TIP, DIP and SIP prescribed for the completion of study programme, according to semesters:

Intended learning outcomes

NOTE: For an overview of learning outcomes as linked to syllabus elements please see the appended »MAP_TIP-DIP_courselet-table_ENG« spreadsheet (sub-sheet »TIP«, column L). There »KU-« stands for »Knowledge and understanding«; »S-» stands for Skills).


Readings will be assigned based on offered Techniques in Practice topics, which will vary each semester and individual students.


Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): - regular coursework according to syllabus Grading scheme: 100% regular coursework

Lecturer's references

TINA SMREKAR focuses on developing and producing short artistic animated films. Co-founder of and producer at Finta Film. Films by Špela Čadež such as Boles, Nighthawk, Steakhouse received more than 100 awards. Steakhouse premiered at Locarno Film Festival, received several Grand Prixs and a Jury Award in Annecy. The studio is also producing the debut Three Birds by Zarja Menart and developing the professional debuts by Anka Kočevar and the Slovenian-Italian director Leo Černic. Slovenia’s first official minority coproduction in animation, Money&Hapiness by Ana Nedeljković and Nikola Majdak was coproduced by Finta Film and has begun its life at Locarno Film Festival in August 2022.