Studio 1
Master's programme in Media Arts and Practices
Objectives and competences
to enable achievement of any among the three levels of outcomes (“Explore”, “Define”, and “Focus”) offered by each Studio implementation level or course run (within the Studio Module) in order to reflect students’ different levels of competence through semesters 1, 2 and 3, thus students of the entire programme (regardless of the year of study) may potentially meet in any of the Studio courses
to provide students with a wider context and/or research of topics that may surround their specific final master projects and interests, as well as reflect the contemporary topics and methodologies in the field of media arts.
to develop interdisciplinary and inter-professional competencies and to engage students from different Carrier Modules in an interactive learning–production process.
to provide students with a testing and training ground for their (master project) ideas; in terms of a laboratory-oriented exploration, students undergo an intensive and complete production process on a smaller, semester-long individual or group project, which provides them with a possibility to test their (master project – related) ideas to a point of completion and develop relevant skills
to offer the possibility of implementing a bigger practice-based mobility implementation, combining Studio production with a Carrier Module area, often with a site-specific focus, in a way that research, pre-production (research and planning) and post-production (finalization and evaluation) phases are significantly supported by online student and mentor work through e-learning tools and environments to prepare students for an intensive shorter production-oriented mobility phase.
For Studio on level/semester 1 (“Explore”), there are no prerequisites. For Studio on level/semester 2 (“Define”) and 3 (“Focus”) the lower level studio accomplished is an immediate prerequisite.
For the Media Arts and Practices study programme, each student has to accomplish at least 3 Studio course runs, completing the three Studio levels, within the Studio Module.
Studio Module connects the areas and students of more Carrier Modules into a cohesive topic-based and research-oriented production.
Each Studio course offered within the Studio Module bears a particular topic as deemed contemporary and relevant for the semester in question, and clearly relates to at least two areas of the programme as defined by Carrier Modules.
Being a topic-based and project-oriented course, Studio course is conceived as a “meeting point” between two or more Carrier Modules. This allows students to develop and implement media-oriented projects interdisciplinarily. Here each student can combine his/her know-how with those of his/her peers becoming a part of a contextually wider production process.
The content of the Studio Module, in terms of themes and topics, is thus opened and completely dependent on particular needs of each year’s student cohort and students’ individual master projects. In terms of methodology, Studio Module is the most interdisciplinary curricular unit in the study programme. It is a collective, congested process in study experience closely connected to a student’s individual Carrier Module implementation, either “exploring” the wider or related contexts, “defining” own interest in the area(s), or “focusing” on their own (master) project work.
Intended learning outcomes
- “Explore” (outcome level)
semester 1 (4 ECTS)
- student explores the area of existing or new potential interest, and participates in the given role.
- student develops pre-defined research skills and explores the scope of an offered topic through research-intensive work and smaller practical assignments
- students collaborate with peers and mentors and combine their individual and disciplinary interests and skills
- at the end the student successfully concludes own participation in the Studio case/project in the given role.
- “Define” (outcome level)
semester 2 (4 ECTS)
- student selects a practice and theory-based case/project Studio on offer, and thereby defines own area of interest, participating in a self-defined role.
- student defines own concepts and aesthetics in response to offered topics and methodologies
- students collaborate with peers and mentors to autonomously combine own with others’ individual and disciplinary interests, knowledge and skills, and reflects upon this process
- at the end the student successfully concludes own participation in the Studio case/project in the self-defined role.
- “Focus” (outcome level)
semester 3 (4 ECTS)
- student selects a practice and theory-based case/project Studio on offer, and thereby focuses within her/his own area of interest, participating in a self-defined role on an autonomously conceived and conducted project.
- student focuses on a more elaborate autonomously conceived project and its production in response to the offered topic or methodology;
- in the context of the Studio production process, the student actively negotiates as well as ultimately reflects on relevance of the delivered (self-defined) role and its competencies for his/her final master project.
Readings will be assigned based on the offered Studio topics, which will vary each semester.
Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): - regular coursework according to syllabus - final documentation, with presentation - oral examination Grading scheme: 50% regular coursework 20% final documentation 30% final presentation and/or oral exam
Lecturer's references
(NOTE: Module coordinator acts as a teacher and the “producer” in the students’ production process. According to the chosen topic and its semester long students’ development he/she may invite different experts to collaborate with students, as guest lecturers/artists)