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CM Photography 1

This course is part of the programme
Master's programme in Media Arts and Practices

Objectives and competences

In the scope of objectives of the Carrier Module PHOTOGRAPHY the student, in gradual progression, covers all essential topics, tools and methodologies relevant for autonomous production work in the specific area of Photography within Media Arts and Practices.

-to foster reflected usage of the first mass picture communication that enabled the development of other visual media – film, video and television.
-to provide student with awareness of varied forms of photography and its theory, history, technology, aesthetics, applications in science, art, applied art and design.
- to support the development of professional photographers who use traditional (analog) photographic, film/video and digital production processes within creative industries and contemporary art
- to develop students' awareness of the impact of digital images on traditional photography
- to explore a variety of photography approaches to multimedia and mass media
- to help students build formal, analytic, and critical vocabularies for understanding and discussing creative work
- to continually challenge students to discuss and interpret their work both verbally and in written form, as well as by using other non-standard media of communication and presentation


General knowledge in the field of photography and expressed interest in its specific fields, high capability of visual expression and narration (diverse but focused on photography), demonstrated skill for using the basic tools of photography and computer literacy.


The following syllabus, including its aims and outcomes, comprises the vertical structure of all 3 semesters to support the student's individual pathway in gradually attaining full competence within the (Carrier Module) PHOTOGRAPHY area of Media Arts and Practices. After “EXPLORING” various possibilities within the area, the student “DEFINES” own field of interest, and eventually “FOCUSES” on her/his project.

Semester 1, Carrier Module PHOTOGRAPHY – “Explore”:

Exploring a variety of visual/photographic languages, different aesthetic frameworks, as well as photographic techniques.
Exploring the history of photographic art and problems related to contemporary photographic practice.
Exploring the style and context in order to consider the position of photography in recent art history and its position as a medium.
Exploring possibilities (of skills, equipment, finances, time etc.) in order to reach individual goals toward the master thesis project.
Developing and using basic elements of photography in practice, over short projects.
Exploring roles in Studio projects.

Semester 2, Carrier Module PHOTOGRAPHY – “Define”:

Defining students’ own projects, together with the chosen means of expression, techniques, tools and the individual visual/photographic language.
Defining students’ own roles in Studio projects.
Defining of individual projects with a complex idea.
Development of the projects and their phases, timeline, production plan (preparing for semester 3).
Developing students’ own visual expressions and individual approaches to different photographic themes, defining the tools for the analysis of students’ own photographic production.
Further developing and using the elements of photography in preparation of students’ own master projects.

Semester 3, Carrier Module PHOTOGRAPHY – “Focus”:

Focus on the students’ own project production processes.
Final photography studies, photo-camera practices, locations …
Preparations for final shooting.

Focus on the student’s own project production process:
- organization and coordination of the project timeline
- planning of the real-life project dimension (arranging permits for site-specific projects, final agreements for time-specific final project phases, intensively search for potential distributors, businesses and cultural institutions at local, national or international level))
- creating final elaborate designs and/or models for the project
- coordinating all project plans and designs with potential collaborators (performers, technical experts, equipment suppliers...)

After semester 3 the student implements and/or finalizes the master project within the scope of the Master Thesis module, in semester 4.

Intended learning outcomes

(At the end of this module the Student, according to the level of involvement »explore«, »define« or »focus«...)
- understand photographic art practice and consider how it relates to other aspects of visual culture and contemporary life
- develops a deeper understanding of contemporary topical issues and formal strategies in a selected range of photographic production practices, and specializes within one filed
- learns to autonomously speak critically and argumentatively about own work and the work of others

(The Student, according to the level of involvement »explore«, »define« or »focus«...)
- is capable of formal and content analysis of photography artwork

- has expanded own creative repertoire technically, formally, and conceptually
- identifies, plans, organizes and executes project work, demonstrating autonomous decision-taking and process monitoring
- functions effectively as an autonomous photographer using professional standard equipment


Obligatory reading:

  • Focal Encyclopedia of Photography, 4th Edition, Focal Press, London, 2007 Catalogue E-version
  • Michael, Langford, 7th Edition, Advanced Photography, Focal Press, London, 2008. Catalogue E-version
  • Tanhofer, Nikola, Filmska fotografija, Filmoteka 16, Zagreb,1981.
  • The Digital Photography Workflow Handbook, Steinmueller Photo, Heidelberg, 2010. E-version
  • Blain, Brown, Motion Pictures and Video Lighting, 2th Edition, Focal Press, London, 2008 Catalogue

Recommended reading:

  • McLuhan, Marshall, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, MIT Press, 1994 E-version
  • Freund, Gisele, Photography and Society, David R Godine Pub,1980. E-version
  • Barthes, Roland, Camera Lucida, Hill and Wang, 2010. Catalogue E-version
  • Flusser, Vilem, Towards a Philosophy of Photography, Reaktion Books, 2000. E-version
  • Sontag, Susan, On Photography, Picador, 2001. Catalogue


Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): - regular coursework according to syllabus - final documentation, with presentation - oral examination Grading scheme: 50% regular coursework 20% final documentation 30% final presentation and/or oral exam

Lecturer's references

Fedor Vučemilović graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb, Department of Cinematography.Asistent profesor of "Photography" at the University of Rijeka. From 1975 to 1978 he was a member of the Group of Six with whom he organized exhibitions-actions and started the magazine-catalogue Maj 75. His work includes film, photography and video (short feature films, documentaries, reports, travel videos, photo-essays on other authors, promotional videos.