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Wine Chemistry

Objectives and competences

The main objectives of the course is to acquaint the students
with the basic chemical changes, which occur during the wine
making process, together with the chemical equilibrium changes
during the fining agents usage and the most important chemical
reactions, which occur during the wine aging and maturation.


Knowledge of general organic and inorganic chemistry.



  • The basic chemical compounds of the grapes, must and wine (acids, pigments, tannins, nitrogen, minerals)
  • The chemistry of fermentation
  • Equilibrium of the electrolytes in wine
  • The changes of acidity during the wine making process
  • Salts precipitation in the wines
  • The basic characteristics of the colloids, the wine and mustcolloids
  • Oxidation-reduction equilibrium in the must and wine
  • The meaning of sulfur for the wine making
  • The basic chemical reactions during the wine maturation and aging

Laboratory practise sessions

During the seminars, with a help of calculation exams the
students become more familiar with the practical importance of
the individual chemical reactions and during the laboratory
practice work they learn about the basic methods of chemical
analysis for the equilibrium determination.


  • Yair, M. 2012. Concepts in wine chemistry. The Wine Appreciation Guild, San Francisco, CA. Catalogue
  • Ribéreau‐Gayon, P.; Glories, Y.; Maujean, A.; Dubourdieu, D. Handbook of Enology: The Chemistry of Wine Stabilization and Treatments; 1st ed.; Wiley, 2006; ISBN 978-0-470-01037-2. Catalogue
  • Moreno, J.; Peinado, R. Enological Chemistry; 1st ed.; Academic Press: London ; Waltham, MA, 2012; ISBN 978-0-12-388438-1. Catalogue
  • Waterhouse, A.L.; Sacks, G.L.; Jeffery, D.W. Understanding Wine Chemistry; 2016; ISBN 978-1-118-62780-8. Catalogue
  • Bioaktivne spojine terana: zbornik prispevkov simpozija = Le sostanze bioattive del terrano : atti del congresso - pubblicazioni scientifiche; Lisjak, K., Ed.; Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije: Ljubljana, 2012; ISBN 978-961-6505-62-8. E-version
  • Lecture slides, MiTeam classroom with materials


Written and oral examination.