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General and Inorganic Chemistry

Objectives and competences

The course gives basic theories of atomic and molecular structure and of chemical changes. Chemistry of the elements and their compounds are given together with the laws of chemical periodicity. The students are taught to understand the correlation between chemical and physical properties of elements and their compounds on one side and their electronic structure and type of chemical bond on the other side.


Preknowledge of secondary school chemistry is desired. The course is correlated to Organic Chemistry and Wine Chemistry courses.



Short introduction to development of chemistry. The laws of stoichiometry. Energy of chemical reactions. Models of atomic structure. Electronic configuration and the periodic system of elements. Clasical theory of the chemical bond. Valence bond
and molecular orbital theory. Crystals and amorphous state. Coligative properties of solutions. Electrolites. Chemical equilibria. Le Chatelier principle. Ionic equilibria. Chemical kinetics. Redox reactions. Galvanic cell. Electrolysis.

Chemistry of the elements of the periodic system: elements in nature, main applications, properties of elements, important compounds. Comparison of the properties in vertical groups for sp elements with emphasis on the first and second element. Short introduction for 3d elements.

Coordination compounds. Basic concepts: central atoms, ligands, stability, biological importance.


Chemical calculations and practical work (preparation of solutions, filtration, recrystallization, demonstration of chemical principles).

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
Students understand and can explain basic concepts in the field of general and inorganic chemistry: (i) chemical foundations (they are familiar with chemical and physical properties of a substance, substance state and changes, they master relations pure substance – mixture, elements – compounds, atoms – molecules, chemical formulae – reactions, they know how to use stoichiometry laws, a mole unit, they know calculations with concentrations and other chemical quantities), (ii) atomic structure (they are acquainted with atomic model development, with difference between Bohr and quantum mechanical model of the atom, they know how to determine electronic configurations, they understand periodicity of atomic sizes and ionization energies, they know how to balance chemical and nuclear reactions), (iii) chemical bonding (they know types of chemical bonds, they can predict structure of simple molecules), (iv) gases (they get knowledge about gas laws and ideal gas law, they distinguish between ideal and real gas, they know basics of the kinetic molecular theory of gases), (v) liquids and solids (they are familiar with molecular forces, physical properties of liquids, different crystal structures), (vi) phase changes (they know how to interpret phase diagrams), (vii) properties of solutions (they understand Raoult law and deviations from it in real solutions, distillation process, they know colligative properties of solutions, what colloids are), (vii) electrolytes (they know strong and weak electrolytes, dissolution process, electrolysis), (ix) thermochemistry (they differentiate between internal energy and enthalpy, standard enthalpy of formation, they know how to calculate reaction enthalpy), (x) chemical equilibrium (they know how to express the equilibrium constant and its meaning, influence of conditions according to Le Chatelier principle), (xi) acids and bases (they know Brønsted and Lewis definition, which are strong and which are weak acids or bases, they know how to calculate pH, how to interpret titration curves), (xii) electrochemistry (they are familiar with functioning of galvanic cells, standard reduction potential, corrosion), (xiii) chemical kinetics (they know the dependence of reaction rate, rate laws and integrated rate laws, importance of catalysis), (xiv) inorganic chemistry fundamentals and nomenclature (they are familiar with types of reactions of inorganic compounds, they know how to name simple and coordination compounds), (xv) representative elements (they know systematics of elements and their important compounds throughout A groups in periodic system, they know the most important procedures in industrial chemistry), (xvi) transition elements (they know general properties of these elements and their important compounds).
During tutorial students get familiar with all important stoichiometry calculations and with experimental skills in a chemical laboratory, in relation with certain general chemistry contents.


• Atkins, P.W., Clugston, M.J., Frazer, M.J. in Jones, R.A.Y. 1997. Kemija, zakonitosti in uporaba. Ljubljana: Tehniška založba Slovenije. Catalogue
• Lazarini, F. in Brenčič, J. 2004. Splošna in anorganska kemija. Ljubljana: DZS. Catalogue
• Zumdahl, S.S. in Zumdahl, S.A. 2014. Chemistry, 9th edition. Belmont: Brooks Cole. Catalogue E-version
• Černigoj, U. in Bavcon Kralj, M. 2010. Kemijsko računanje: zbirka nalog z rešitvami za študente Okolja in drugih naravoslovnih programov. Nova Gorica: Univerza v Novi Gorici. Catalogue UNG Press
• Saim Emin/lecture slides, Moodle UNG classroom, MiTeam UNG classroom.


Successfully done exercises (stoichiometry and lab exercises) / exam (homeworks done, written exam – it is possible to make it with two midterm tests, oral exam). Laboratory practice colloquium/lecture examination (40/60)

Lecturer's references

Associate professor for the field of Chemistry at University of Nova Gorica.

His references and professional activity is available in here.