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Nikita Meden



Tel.: 05 33 15 269

Research activity

The mail area of Nikita Meden’s research is agrarian history in Slovenia and in a comparative European perspective. In her research, she connects the agrarian history and the cultural landscape, as these two fields are causally and consequently inseparable. She is mainly focused on the modern times, especially on the 18th and 19th centuries.
Research areas and keywords:
agrarian history, economic history, cultural landscape, common land, Karst, modern times


Meden, Nikita. Trg Senožeče: dejavniki razvoja in zatona med 15. in 18. stoletjem / Market Senožeče: factors of development and decline between the 15th and 18th centuries). Bachelors thesis. University of Primorska, Faculty of humanities, 2015.

Meden, Nikita. Vloga vaške skupnosti in zemljiškega gospoda pri upravljanju srenjske zemlje v zgodnjem novem veku in na primeru devinskega gospostva na Krasu. / The role of the village community and the land lord in managing the commons in Early Modern Times in the exemple of the lordship of Duino in the Karst region. Masters thesis. University of Primorska, Faculty of humanities, 2017.

Meden, Nikita. Srenjska zemlja v sodobnem mednarodnem zgodovinopisju : aktualna vprašanja. / Communal Land in Modern International Historiography: Topical Questions. V: Prispevki za novejšo zgodovino / Contributions to the Contemporary History 59, št. 3 (2019): 132-154.

Selected projects

Nikita Meden participated (as a student) in the national scientific project »Integrated peasant economy in Slovenia in a comparative perspective (16th-19th century) with the code ARRS J6-6831. She contributed with a research of the common land and its role in the agricultural economy from the income integration point of view.


Nikita Meden (Postojna, 1992) lives in Golo Brdo in Goriška Brda. She graduated in history in 2015 (B.A., Faculty of humanities, University of Primorska), and two years later got her masters degree in history (M.A., Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska), both under the mentorship of prof. dr. Aleksander Panjek. During her doctorate, she worked as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Primorska, where she led seminars in the subjects History of the 20th Century and History of Istria and Primorska. She also worked as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica, where she led seminars in the subjects of Law History, Feudal society culture, Agrarian History and History and Literature. She also taught history at the Nova Gorica Institute of Adult Education. For the last two years she has been an editor of Dolenčev zbornik. She is completing her doctorate under the mentorship of prof. dr. Žarko Lazarević (Faculty of humanities, University of Nova Gorica, ABD). Since 1st June 2021, she has been employed at the University of Nova Gorica (Faculty of Humanities, Research Center for the Humanities).

Leadership functions

In the year of 2019 she was elected head of the organizing committee of the scientific symposium Dolenčevi dnevi. For the last two years she has been an editor of Dolenčev zbornik.