Nikita Peresin Meden
Research activity
Nikita Peresin Meden's research focuses on the rural history of western Slovenia with a comparative perspective on the nearby Italian cross-border area. Her research combines economic (agrarian), environmental, social, legal and cultural aspects of the past. Chronologically, she focuses on the Late Modern period.
Research areas and keywords:
rural history, cultural landscape, common land, Karst, Late Modern period
Peresin Meden, Nikita. Afforestation of Common Land in the Classical Karst: Relations between the Authorities, the Local Population, and the Economic Consequences of Afforestation. In: Acta carsologica 53, št. 1 (2024): 69-82. DOI:
Peresin Meden, Nikita, Pranjić, Kristina, Purg, Peter. Taming the Forest: Embracing the Complexity of art-sci Research through Microhistory, Bioeconomics and Intermedia Art. In: Technoetic arts 22, št. 1 (2024): 57-73. DOI:
Peresin Meden, Nikita. Pogozdovanje na Krasu: kršenje gozdne postave / Afforestation of the Karst: Violation of the Forest Law. In: Gozd in ljudje - razmerja in zgodovina (ed. Meta Remec). Ljubljana: Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, 2023. Link:
Peresin Meden, Nikita. Trg Senožeče: o dejavnikih gospodarskega vzpona, vrhunca in zatona / Market Senožeče: Factors of Economic Development, Peak and Decline. In: Goriški letnik: zbornik Goriškega muzeja, št. 46 (2022): 81-99.
Peresin Meden, Nikita. Ob 200-letnici ustanovitve pivovarne Adria: premišljanja o izrazoslovju v raziskavah zgodovine pivovarstva na Slovenskem / On the 200th Anniversary of the Adria Brewery: Reflections on Terminology in Research on the History of Brewing in Slovenia. In: Dolenčev zbornik 2021: 75-83.
Peresin Meden, Nikita (Ed.). Dolenčev zbornik 2021: ob 200-letnici ustanovitve pivovarne Adria in 60-letnici rojstva senožeškega zgodovinarja Ervina Dolenca. Divača: Občina Divača, 2021.
Peresin Meden, Nikita. Srenjska zemlja v sodobnem mednarodnem zgodovinopisju: aktualna vprašanja / Communal Land in Modern International Historiography: Topical Questions. In: Prispevki za novejšo zgodovino 59, št. 3 (2019): 132-154. Link:
Peresin Meden, Nikita. Vloga vaške skupnosti in zemljiškega gospoda pri upravljanju srenjske zemlje v zgodnjem novem veku na primeru devinskega gospostva na Krasu / The Role of the Village Community and the Vassal in Managing the Commons in Early Modern Times in the Example of the Lordship of Duino in the Karst Region. Master Thesis. Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za humanistične študije, 2017.
Selected projects
2024-2025: Museum of Transport and Freight; Marketing project, prof. dr. Aleksander Panjek, Municipality of Divača, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia - National Recovery and Resilience Plan, 2024-2025. Link:
Nikita Persin Meden (born 1992) lives in Goriška Brda. In 2015, she graduated from the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Primorska with the thesis "The Senožeče market: factors of development and decline between the 15th and 18th centuries" under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Aleksander Panjek.In 2017, under the supervision of the latter, she obtained her master's degree at the same faculty with the thesis "The Role of the Village Community and the Vassal in Managing the Commons in Early Modern Times in the Example of the Lordship of Duino in the Karst Region". During her doctoral studies, she worked as a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Primorska and at the School of Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica. At the latter, she led seminars on Law History, Culture of Feudal Society, Agricultural History, History and Literature, Introduction to the Study of History, Cultural Tourism, and History of Historiography, and coordinated course Practical Placement. She is the editor-in-chief of Dolenc Proceedings. She is completing her doctoral studies under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Žark Lazarević and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jasna Fakin Bajec. She has been employed at the University of Nova Gorica since 2021.
Leadership functions
In the year of 2019 she was elected head of the organizing committee of the scientific symposium Dolenčevi dnevi. For the last two years she has been an editor of Dolenčev zbornik.