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Assist. prof. dr. Ivana Zajc



Research areas and keywords

Slavic literature, theory of drama, narratology, digital humanities, didactics of literature

Research activity

Ivana Zajc researches drama theory, contemporary dramatic texts and literary phenomena in narrative works (for example the implied author). She analyzes Slovenian literature on the basis of computational stylometry. She researches (suggestion: these and other) issues (suggestion: from the point of view of the ) didactics of literature and the concept of literary competence.

Selected publications


  • Zajc, Ivana, 2015: Postmodernistično v drami Milene Marković Barčica za punčke (Brod za lutke). Slavistična revija 63/2. 211–221.
  • Zajc, Ivana, 2016: Sodobne spremembe didaskalij: Primer besedil Simone Semenič. Jezik in slovstvo 61/3–4. 152–162.
  • Zajc, Ivana, 2017: Konvencija didaskalij: Zgodovinske oblike, tipologije, opredelitve in sodobne subverzije. Jezik in slovstvo 62/1. 69–78.
  • Zajc, Ivana, 2017: Implicitni avtor: Raba v slovenski literarni vedi, nove opredelitve in problematična mesta. Slavistična revija 65/1. 127–139.
  • Zajc, Ivana, 2019: Literarna zmožnost kultiviranega bralca in Evropski literarni okvir. Jezik in slovstvo. 64/3–4. 57–67, 156.
  • Zajc, Ivana, 2019: Elementi monodrame in avtobiografskosti v besedilih Simone Semenič. Amfiteater: revija za teorijo scenskih umetnosti 7/2. 80–98.

Curriculum vitae

Dr. Ivana Zajc (1991) was born in Bela above Vipava in Slovenia. She graduated in 2013 and received her master's degree in 2016 from the Department of Slovene Studies and the Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana. In the same year, she enrolled in doctoral studies at the same faculty and in 2021 she earned her doctorate in the field of literary studies. During her doctoral studies, she was awarded the scholarship of the University Foundation of Lenarčič Milan and attended the University of Leipzig’s European Summer University in Digital Humanities. She has presented her findings in various scientific journals and symposia in Slovenia and abroad. She has been employed at the Research Center for the Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica since 2021. Prior to that, she worked as a journalist at RTV Slovenia in radio and online media, and completed a one-year speech training program at the Center for Speech Culture.

Awards and recognitions

Award of the Student Council of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana for academic achievents