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HHG technical specs

Beam-line description

The HHG beam-line consists of:
1. Generation chamber
2. Monochromator chamber
3. Refocalization/recombination mirror chamber

The peculiarity of the beam line is in the monochromator that hosts two interchangeable gratings sets, diffracting stages both used at grazing incidence. In one configuration, the gratings are in the off-plane mount (OPM) and in the other in the classical diffraction mount (CDM). The use of two stages gives great flexibility: the OPM stage is used for sub-50 fs time response and low spectral resolution, while the CDM stage for 100-200 fs time response and high spectral resolution.


Gratings specifications:


The full system description can be found in the following papers:
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 023104 (2014)
Appl. Opt. 53, 5879 (2014)