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About the laboratory

The research activities are carried out in two fields: in the field of 2D materials and their Van der Waals heterostructures and in the field of organic electronics. The main topic are electronic properties of materials that are interesting as novel electronic components, organic solar cells, organic thin film transistors, photodetectors and memory elements. Another aspect of our research is devoted to bio-related problems, which include organic transistor-based biosensors and ion-electron conduction materials.

Within the framework of thin films of organic semiconductors we are using vacuum evaporation and spin coating of small-molecule semiconductors and semiconducting polymers, respectively. Morphology is studied by atomic force microscopy tools, combined with other methods, that allows us also to probe material properties on the nanoscale level.

The projects in the area 2D materials include study of fundamental physical phenomena of e.g. charge transport, tunneling, supramolecular organization, transient photoconductivity, charge transfer states.

Related to 2D materials combined with organic semiconductors, the activities include optimization and development of new methods for deposition of polymer blends for large area applications, research of alternative acceptor materials and studies of stability of the interface between the metal and organic semiconductor or 2D materials.

In the area of organic thin film transistors we are interested in evolution of electronic properties as a function of the layer thickness. For this purpose we have developed an experimental method that allows us to measure the electric current during the growth of organic semiconductor. A special attention is also devoted to the studies of initial stages of growth of small molecule organic semiconductors on different substrates.

Head of Laboratory

Acting Head of Laboratory: prof. dr. Egon Pavlica
Contact: Vesna Mržek
E-mail: vesna.mrzek@ung.si
Tel.: + 386 5 3653 500
Fax: + 386 5 6205 200


Laboratory of Organic Matter Physics
Vipavska cesta 11c
SI-5270 Ajdovščina
Slovenia Europe

The laboratory is located in Ajdovščina building of the University of Nova Gorica