4th Symposium "Hypercompositional Algebra-new Developments and Applications (HAnDA)" 3-7 June 2024

In the period 3-7 June 2024, CITAM in collaboration with math colleagues from National and Kapodistrian University of Athens organized the 4th Symposium "Hypercompositional Algebra-new Developments and Applications (HAnDA24)". The event was organized online through the MiTeam platform of the University of Nova Gorica, joining PhD students and researchers from 14 countries: Slovenia, Greece, Romania, Poland, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Italy, Kuwait, Iran, Turkey, United States, Indonesia, United Arab emirates, Thailand. More details on the event are here HAnDA website
prof. dr. Irina Cristea (University of Nova Gorica)
prof. dr. Christos Massouros (University of Athens)
prof. dr. Irina Cristea (University of Nova Gorica)
assist.prof.dr. Hashem Bordbar (University of Nova Gorica)
dr. Alessandro Linzi (University of Nova Gorica)
Download Schedule: HAnDA24_Schedule
Book of Abstracts: Book_of_abstracts_HAnDA24