About the centre
The Center for Systems and Information Technologies (CSIT) has changed the name into Center for Information Technologies and Applied Mathematics (CITAM) at the end of the year 2017. Center is an interdisciplinary research group with the activities at the intersection of computer science and informatics, mathematics, control systems technologies, and process engineering. It develops novel approaches to modeling and applies them to a wide range of problems, from industrial engineering practice to education and biomedicine. Methods for intelligent data analysis are being developed and applied to the domains where IT support is required for knowledge discovery aiming at understanding complex diseases, phenomena in the environment, or problem solving in various complex domains, especially in engineering. In mathematics we contribute mainly with the study of algebraic hypercompositional structures and their connections with theory of fuzzy sets, and theory of ordered algebras.
Most of the staff takes part or closely cooperates in R&D; projects at other institutions (Jozef Stefan Institute, Gradbeni inštitut ZRMK d.o.o) and collaborates with colleagues from international research institutions, such as: University of New South Wales in Sydney (Australia), Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), University of Glasgow (Great Britain), Hamilton Institute at National University of Ireland, University of Udine (Italy), Technical University of Brno (Czech Republic), University of Montenegro, University of Bojnord (Iran), “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi (Romania), etc.