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E-Learning for a Digital Society

Lea Bregar, Margerita Zagmajster and Marko Radovan
Translated by: Miha Odar
ISBN: 978-961-7025-26-2 (PDF)

“E-Learning for a Digital Society” is designed as an e-learning compendium intended for everyone interested in modern, technologically-enhanced education. The aim of this book is to present the status, the basic concepts and the wide range of possible e-learning formats, learning and teaching methods and approaches, as well as the related pedagogical, technological and business-organisational issues and solutions faced by educators when introducing e-learning into practice. The original text was written in Slovenian under the title “E-izobraževanje za digitalno družbo” and published in 2020. Its translation into English with the status of an open educational resource enhances its accessibility and usability worldwide without restrictions for non-profit users.

Publication cover: E-Learning for a Digital Society