Cultural industry and the creative sector in the European Union

Bachelor's Study Programme Cultural History (first cycle) (admission from 2023/2024) / School of Humanities

Scientific literature and theory:

  • Adorno, Theodor W. The Culture Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture (1938–69), ed. By J.m. Bernstein (London: Routledge, 1991). Catalogue E-version
  • Greffe X., Creativity, Heritage and the City, Springer, 2017 Catalogue
  • Florida, Richard, The rise of the creative class. New York: Basic Books, 2002 Catalogue E-version
  • C. Pratt, Andy and Jeffcutt, Paul. Creativity, Innovation and the Cultural Economy (London/New York: Routledge, 2009). Catalogue
  • Bilton, Chris. »Relocation creativity in advertising: from aesthetic specialisation to strategic integration«, in Creativity, Innovation and the Cultural Economy, eds, A. Pratt and P. Jeffcutt (London/New York: Routledge, 2009), 23–40. Catalogue
  • Melville Herman, Barttleby, the Scrivener 2002 E-version
  • Sasa Dobricic, Marco Acri (edited by), “Creative Cities: which Historic Urban Landscape, Mimesis, Milan, 2017. Catalogue
  • Dobričić, S., Magnani C., Pedroli B., Strecker A. Common Goods from a Landscape Perspective, I Quaderni Careggi, Issue 06, Florence, 2014. E-version
  • Fraser, Nancy. A New Form of Capitalism, New Left Review 106, July–Avgust, 57–65.
  • Kosovel, Blaž, Zakaj ZDA nimajo ministrstva za kulturo. Od agrikulture do kulturne industrije, od mesta Rim do ameriške civilizacije (ZRC SAZU, 2022) Catalogue

European declarations and strategic cultural policies:

  • Museums, museum professionals and COVID-19), Report ICOM 2020 E-version
  • Museums around the world in the face of COVID-19, 2020, UNESCO Report 2020 E-version
  • Shaping Europe’s Digital Future, Declaration of the EU, 20/02/2020 E-version
  • European Agenda for Culture in a globalizing world (2011-2017) E-version
  • New European Agenda for Culture (2018-2022) E-version