Technology and Memory

Master's Degree Programme Humanities Studies / School of Humanities

  • Burke, Peter Asa Briggs, Social History of the Media, Polity Press, 2010. Catalogue
  • Couldry, Nick, Media, Society, World: Social Theory and Digital Media Practice, Polity Press, 2012.
  • Couldry, Nick. Media in modernity: a nice derangement of institutions. Revue Internationale de Philosophie 281(3) 2017: 259–279. E-version
  • Ernst, Wolfgang, Digital Memory and the Archive, University of Minnesota Press, 2012.
  • Forster, Chris, Modernism and its Media, Bloomsbury, 2021. Catalogue
  • Hjarvard, Stig, The Mediatization of Culture and Society, Routledge, 2013. Catalogue
  • Hodkinson, Paul, Media, Culture and Society, Sage Publications, 2001.Catalogue
  • Huhtamo, Erkki in Jussi Parikka, Media Archaeology, Approaches, Applications and Implications, University of California Press, 2011.
  • Hui, Yuk, The Question Concerning Technology in China, Essay in Cosmotechnics, Urbanomic Media, 2016. Catalogue
  • Innis, Harold, The Bias of Communication, University of Toronto Press, 2006.
  • Keightley, Emily, Michael Pickering, The Mnemonic Imagination: Remembering as Creative Practice, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
  • Leroi-Gourhan, André, Gesture and Speech. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, (1993 [1964]). E-version
  • Peters, John Durham, The Marvellous Clouds, University of Chicago Press, 2015. Catalogue
  • Stiegler, Bernard, Technics and Time (1, 2, 3), Stanford University Press, 1998–2011. E-version
  • van Dijck, José, Mediated Memories in the Digital Age, Stanford University Press, 2007.