11 - Photography III - D

Bachelor's programme in Digital Arts and Practices / School of Arts

Important: Literature is determined according to the selected theme thesis.


  • Barthes, Roland: Camera Lucida, Studia Humanitates, 1992. ŠKUC, Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, 2012 Catalogue E-version
  • Batchen, Geoffrey: Goreč od želje, Zasnovanje fotografije, Studia Humanitatis, 2010. Catalogue
  • Hodalič, Arne; Fotografski priročnik, Arktos fotografija, 2021. Catalogue
  • Berger, John: Načini gledanja, Zavod Emanat, 2008. Catalogue
  • Sontag, Susan: Eseji o fotografiji, Študentska založba, Ljubljana 2001. Catalogue
  • Bright, Susan: Art Photography Now, Edition Braus, 2005.E-version
  • Lampič, Primož: Fotografija in stil, Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, Ljubljana 2000. Catalogue
  • ed. Wells, Liz: The Photography Reader, Routledge, 2018 Catalogue E-version
  • ed. Wells, Liz: The Photography Cultures Reader, Routledge, 2019 Catalogue
  • Newhall, B. The History of Photography. New York : The Museum of Modern Art, 1994. Catalogue E-version
  • The Photo Book, Phaidon, 1997. Catalogue
  • Edward Lucie-Smith, Movement in Art since 1945 Catalogue
  • Parr, Martin ; Badger, Gerry; The Photobook: A History, Vol. 1-3, Phaidon, 2004-14 CatalogueV1


  • Campany, David: On Photographs, THAMES & HUDSON (UK), MIT PRESS (USA), GUILIO EINAUDI EDITORE (IT), 2020
  • Carroll, Henry : Read This if You Want to Take Great Photographs, Laurence King Publishing, 2014
  • Carroll, Henry : Read This if You Want to Take Great Photographs of People, Laurence King Publishing, 2015
  • Belting, Hans: Antropologija podobe, Studia Humanitatis, 2004. Catalogue
  • Koetzle, Hans-Michael: Photo Icons, Taschen, Koeln 2005. E-version