History of migrations
Doctoral study programme Humanities / Graduate school
- Bade K. J. (2005): Evropa v gibanju: migracije od poznega 18. stoletja do danes, cf., Ljubljana. Catalogue
- Baines D. (1995): Emigration from Europe, 1815-1930, Cambridge.
- Drnovšek M. (2010): Izseljevanje, "rakrana" slovenskega naroda : od misijonarja Friderika Barage do migracijske politike države Slovenije, Ljubljana, Nova revija.
- Fonaine L. (1996): History of Pedlars in Europe, Cambridge.
- Hahn S. (2013): Historische Migrationsforschung, Frankfurt-New York, Campus Verlag.
- Hochstadt S. (1999): Mobility and Modernity. Migration in Germany, 1820-1989, Ann Arbor.
- Hoerder D. (2001): Cultures in Contact. European and World Migrations, 11th Century to 1990s, Durham, N.C. Catalogue
- Hoerder D., Kaur A. (2012): Proletarian and gendered mass migrations. A global perspective on continuities and discontinuities from the 19th to the 21th century, Brill Academic Pub.
- Kalc A. (2008): Tržaško prebivalstvo v 18. stoletju. Priseljevanje kot gibalo demografske rasti in družbenih sprememb, Koper-Trieste, Annales. Catalogue
- Lucassen J. (1987): Migrant Labor in Europe 1600-1900. The drift to the North Sea, London.
- Lucassen J., Lucassen L. (ed.) (1997): Migration, Migration History, History, Bern.
- Moch L. P. (1992): Moving Europeans. Migration in Western Europe since 1650, Bloomington. Catalogue E-version
- Moch L.P. (1983): Paths to the City: Regional Migration in Nineteenth-Century France New Approaches to Social Science History, Beverly Hills, Sage.
- Puskas J. (1990): Overseas Migration from East-Central and South-Eastern Europe, 1880-1940, Budapest.
- Rosenthal P. A. (1999): Les sentiers invisibles. Espace, familles et migrations dans la France du XIXe siecle, Paris, EHESS.