Gender and Migration
Doctoral study programme Humanities / Graduate school
- Braidotti, Rossi (2011) Nomadic Subjects. Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory. New York: Columbia University Press.Catalogue E-version
- Griffin, Gabrielle, Rosi Braidotti (eds.) (2002) Thinking Differently. A Reader in European Women's Studies. London: Zed Books.
- Lennon, Kathleen, Margaret Whitford (eds.) (1994) Knowing the Difference: Feminist Perspectives in Epistemology. London: Routledge. E-version
- Anthias, Floya, Gabriella Lazaridis (eds.) (2000) Gender and Migration in Southern Europe, Women on the Move. Oxford, New York: Berg. E-version
- Abdelmalek Sayad (2004) The Suffering of the Immigrant. Cambridge: Polity Press E-version
- Macey, M. (2009) Multiculturalism, Religion and Women: Questioning the Veil. Open letters to Muslim women? University of Bradford: Palgrave Macmillan. E-version
- Marnia Lazreg (2011) Questioning the Veil. Open letters to Muslim women. Princeton: Princeton University Press. E-version
- Cohen, Joshua, Matthew Howard (1999) Is multiculturalism bad for women? Princeton: Princeton Univerisity Press. E-version
- Lutz, Helma (ed.) (2008) Migration and Domestic Work. A European Perspective on a Global Theme. Surrey: Ashgate. Catalogue
- Momsen, Janet H. (1999) Gender, Migration and Domestic Service. London: Routledge. Catalogue E-version
- Parrenas, Rhacel Salazar (2005) Children of Global Migration. Transnational Families and Gendered Woes. Stanford: Stanford University Press. E-version
- Liz Stanley, (1995) The Auto/biographical I, The theory and practice of feminist auto/biography. Manchester, New York: Manchester University Press. Catalogue
- Perks, Robert and Alistair Thompson (eds.) (2000) The Oral History Reader. London: Routledge. E-version
- Sharpe, Pamela (ed.) (2001). Women, Gender and Labour Migration, Historical and global perspectives. London and New York: Routledge. E-version