Research, Argumentation, and Writing Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Doctoral study programme Humanities / Graduate school

  • Perks, Robert, Alistair Thompson (eds.) (2000) The Oral History Reader, London and New York, Routledge. E-version
  • Thompson, Paul (1988) The Voice of the Past, Oral History. Oxford, New York, Oxford University Press. Catalogue E-version
  • Portelli, Alessandro (1991) The Death of Luigi Trastulli and other Stories, Form and Meaning in Oral History. Albany, State University of New York Press. E-version
  • Sayad, Abdelmalek (2004) The Suffering of the Immigrant. Cambridge, Polity Press. E-version
  • Milharčič Hladnik, Mirjam, Mlekuž, Jernej (ur.) (2014). Going Places: Slovenian Women's Stories on Migration. Akron: The University of Akron Press.
  • Qualitative Social Research Vol 7, No 3 (2006): Qualitative Migration Research in Contemporary Europe - Thematic Issue E-version
  • Barat, Erzsebet (2000). The Discourse of Selfhood: Oral Autobiographies as Narrative Sites for Constructions of Identity. Representing Lives, Women and Auto/biography (eds. Alison Donnell and Pauline Polkey). London: Macmillan Press: 165–173. E-version
  • Plummer, Ken (2001). Documents of Life 2. An Invitation to a Critical Humanism. London, Thousands Oaks, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
  • Ramšak, Mojca (2003). Portret glasov. Raziskave življenjskih zgodb v etnologiji – na primeru koroških Slovencev. Ljubljana: Društvo za proučevanje zgodovine, antropologije in književnosti. Catalogue
  • Rener, Tanja (1996). Avto/biografije v sociologiji in v ženskih študijah. Teorija in praksa, 33 (5): 759–763. E-version
  • Stanley, Liz (1992). The Auto/biographical I: The Theory and Practice of Feminist Auto/biography. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press. Catalogue
  • Foucault, Michel (1969). L'Archeologie du savoir. Gallimard. E-version
  • Virk, Tomo (2008). Moderne metode literarne vede in njihove filozofsko teoretske osnove: Metodologija 1. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, Oddelek za primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo. Catalogue