Wine distillates, fruit wines and other products of the vitiviniculture origin

Bachelor's programme in Viticulture and Enology (first cycle) / School for Viticulture and Enology

• Zakon o vinu in drugih proizvodih iz grozdja in vina (Uradni list RS)
• Pravilnik o žganih pijačah (Uradni list RS)
• Pravilnik o splošnem označevanju predpakiranih živil (Uradni list RS)
• Pravilnik o kakovosti sadnih sokov in podobnih sadnih izdelkov (Uradni list RS)
• Pravilnik o kakovosti jedilnih rastlinskih olj, jedilnih rastlinskih masteh in majonezi (Uradni list RS)
• International Standard for Labelling Spirituous Beverages of Vitivinicultural Origin E-version
• Definition of the vitivinicultural products by code sheet E-version
• Nikićević in Paunović, 2013: Tehnologija jakih alkoholnih pića
• Piggot J, 2011: Alcoholic Beverages: Sensory Evaluation and Consumer Research Catalogue
• Sinha NK, Sidhu JS, Barta J, Wu JSB, Cano MP, 2012: Handbook of Fruits and Fruit Processing, Second Edition
• Maria R. Kosseva , Edited by V.K. Joshi , Edited by P.S. Panesar, 2016. Science and Technology of Fruit Wine Production.
• Literature from professional journals and scientific articles.
• Miteam classroom