Agriculture and Environment

Bachelor's programme in Viticulture and Enology (first cycle) / School for Viticulture and Enology


  • Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment / ed.: Muhammad Farooq, Nirmali Gogoi, Michele Pisante. 1st Edition - April 14, 2023, Elsevier, 9780323905008 Catalogue


  • Kupchella, C. E.; Hyland, M. C. 1993. Environmental Science – Living with the system of nature (3rd edition), ISBN-0-13-282740-9, Prentice Hall, N. Jersey. Katalog
  • Novotny V, 1999: Diffuse pollution from agriculture – a worldwide outlook. Water Sci Tech 39(3):1–13.
  • High nature value farmland: characteristics, trends and policy challenges. 2004. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. ISBN 92-9167-664-0. Katalog
  • Miteam učilnica, Moodle učilnica, prosojnice predavateljev.