Optimization of resources and processes
Master's degree programme Engineering and Management (second cycle) / School of Engineering and Management
**Selected chapters: **
- M. Carter, C. C. Price, G. Rabadi: Operations Research: A Practical Introduction, 2nd edition. CRC Press, 2018. ISBN ISBN 9781498780100
- A. E. Eiben, J. E. Smith: Introduction to Evolutionary Computing, 2nd edition. Springer, 2015. ISBN 978-3-662-44873-1 Catalogue E-version
- A. Kaveh: Advances in Metaheuristic Algorithms for Optimal Design of Structures. Springer, 2014. ISBN 978-3-319-05548-0
- F. Neumann, C. Witt: Bioinspired Computation in Combinatorial Optimization. Springer, 2010. ISBN 978-3-642-16543-6 E-version
- G. Rozenberg, T. Bäck, J. N. Kok (Eds.): Handbook of Natural Computing. Springer, 2012. ISBN 978-3-540-92909-3 E-version