Technical Physics

Bachelor's degree programme Engineering and Management (first cycle) / School of Engineering and Management

Openly licensed textbooks at OpenStax, Rice University, Huston Texas, USA

Equivalent alternative textbooks:

  • D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker: Fundamentals of Physics, John Willey & Sons, NY, 2012. Catalogue
  • R. A. Serway, J.W. Jewett, Physics for scientists and egineers with modern physics, Saunders college publising, Thomson Learning, UK, 2012. Catalogue E-version
  • P. A. Tipler, G. P. Mosca, Physics for scientists and engineers, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, 2004.Catalogue E-version
  • R. Kladnik: Visokošolska fizika (1. – 3. del), DZS, Ljubljana 1985 - 1989.) Catalogue2 Catalogue3
  • R. Kladnik, H. Šolinc: Zbirka fizikalnih problemov z rešitvami (1. in 2. del). Catalogue1 Catalogue2
  • I. Arčon, Vprašanja in naloge za preverjanje znanja iz fizike, Založba UNG, 2004 Catalogue Publisher of UNG
  • I. Arčon, Multimedia study material (videolectures, slides and student homeworks) in the MiTeam e-classroom