Technical Mathematics

Bachelor's degree programme Engineering and Management (first cycle) / School of Engineering and Management

  • G. Tomšič, B.Orel, N. Mramor Kosta, Matematika I, Založba FE in FRI, Ljubljana, 2000 (3.izdaja).
  • B. Orel, Linearna algebra, 2020. E-version
  • M. Zeljko, Matematične metode. E-version
  • P. Oblak, Matematika. E-version
  • R. Courant, J. Fritz, Introduction to Calculus and Analysis, vol.1, Springer, 1999. Catalogue
  • David Cherney, Tom Denton, Rohit Thomas and Andrew Waldron, Linear Algebra, 2013. E-version
  • W. Trench, Introduction to Real Mathematics, 2013. E-version
  • Slovensko angleški matematični slovar. E-version