Technologies of Biomass Exploitation

Bachelor's programme in Environment (first cycle) / School of Environmental Sciences

• Professional and scientific journal articles from Biomass & Bioenergy (ISSN 0961-9534) E-version ; Bioresource Technology E-version and other journals
• How much bioenergy can Europe produce without harming the environment? / prepared by Tobias Wiesenthal [et al.]; European Environment Agency, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, cop. 2006. Catalogue E-version
• ROŠ, Milenko, ZUPANČIČ, Gregor Drago. Organic farm waste and municipal sludge. V: KOLE, Chittaranjan (ur.), JOSHI, Chandrashekhar P. (ur.), SHONNARD, David R. (ur.). Handbook of bioenergy crop plants. Boca Raton (FL); London; New York: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis group, 2012, str. 747-792.
• ZUPANČIČ, Gregor Drago, GRILC, Viktor. Anaerobic treatment and biogas production from organic waste. V: KUMAR, Sunil (ur.). Management of organic waste. Rijeka: InTech, 2012, str. 3-28. E-version
• Energija in okolje: obnovljivi viri energije / Sašo Medved, Ciril Arkar, Ljubljana : Zdravstvena fakulteta: Projekt Concerto Remining-Lowex, 2009. Catalogue