Electronic collections
Subject: multidisciplinary
- multidisciplinary search engine for e-resources of universities and research institutions in Slovenia
- in addition to searching e-journals, e-books and databases, it also enables searching the contents of local digital repositories
- enables links of bibliographic record to the entire text of documents
- available on UNG premises and remotely
Link: http://pubs.acs.org/action/showPublications?display=journals/
Subject: chemistry
- provides access to scientific highly cited and peer-reviewed journals, monographs or individual chapters in scientific monographs published by the American Chemical Society
- full-text documents available from 2000
- accessible at UNG premises and remotely
Link: https://agris.fao.org/
Subject: chemistry
- enables the search of professional scientific literature from all areas of agriculture
- contains 13 million bibliographic records contributed by more than 600 data providers from 156 countries
- free access
Link: http://journals.aps.org/
Subject: physics
- provides access to scientific journals of the American Physical Society (Physical Review A, B, C, D, E, ST AB, PROLA, Ph. R. Letters, Reviews of Modern Physics)
- full-text documents available from 1893
- accessible at UNG premises and remotely
Link: http://bos.zrc-sazu.si/main_si_l2.html
Subject: humanities
- access to Slovenian literary texts, mainly works of Slovene literary classics
- free access
Link: http://cds.cern.ch/?ln=en
Subject: physics
- provides access to bibliographic records and full-text documents of scientific documents (articles, books, conference proceedings, periodicals, reports, multimedia material, videos …) in the field of particle physics and related fields
- free access
Link: https://core.ac.uk/
Subject: multidisciplinary
- is the largest multidisciplinary collection of openly accessible scientific and professional publications in the world
- access to full-text documents
- free access
Link: http://credoreference.com/
Subject: multidisciplinary
- contains reference works (encyclopedias, atlases, dictionaries, manuals, biographical lexicons, etc.) from various professional fields
- access to full-text documents
- accessible at UNG premises and remotely
Link: http://www.dlib.si/
Subject: multidisciplinary
- provides access to a variety of digital content in the fields of science, art and culture
- ensures the preservation of Slovenia’s written cultural heritage in digital form
- access to full-text documents
- free access
Link: https://www.doabooks.org/
Subject: multidisciplinary
- provides access to freely available scientific books
- covers all fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities
- access to full-text documents
- free access
Link: http://www.doaj.org/
Subject: multidisciplinary
- provides access to freely available, peer-reviewed scientific journals
- covers all fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities
- access to full-text documents
- free access
Link: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip
Subject: multidisciplinary
- collections in EBSCOhost (Academic Search Premier, ERIC, GreenFILE, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, MasterFILE Premier, MEDLINE, Regional Business News, Business Source Premier, MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection, eBook Collection) cover the fields of humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering
- provides access to professional and scientific literature
- also contains SWOT analyzes, case studies, industry reports, company profiles, current events in the world of politics, economy, culture and technology
- full-text documents available since 1990
- accessible at UNG premises and remotely
Link: https://www.e-flux.com/
Subject: criticism, essays, architecture, design, film
- an art-historical resource about world exhibitions of contemporary art, curatorial concepts and artistic ideas
- informs about key exhibitions and events important to the international public
- contains contributions from the field of critical discourse in art, architecture, film and theory and connects the most important art institutions with audiences around the world
- free access
Link: http://ezb.uni-regensburg.de/ezeit/
Subject: multidisciplinary
- a multidisciplinary search engine for scientific and professional electronic journals
- contains information about the address, ISSN, thematic area, accessibility, web address …
- free access
Link: http://www.europeana.eu/portal/
Subject: multidisciplinary
- is a European digital library with a collection of digitized material (pictures, books, films) from many European museums, libraries, archives and multimedia collections. It provides access to a variety of digital content from the fields of science, art and culture
- access to full-text documents
- free access
Link: http://nl.ijs.si/e-zrc/index-en.html
Subject: humanities
- scholarly digital editions of Slovenian literature
- free access
Link: https://fran.si/
Subject: linguistics
- combines dictionaries, Slovene linguistic resources created at the Fran Ramovš Institute for the Slovene Language, ZRC SAZU
- free access
Link: https://franja.eu/
Subject: linguistics
- combines bilingual dictionaries for language pairs of the most frequently used languages with Slovenian
- free access
Link: http://www.freemedicaljournals.com/
Subject: medicine
- provides access to scientific journals in the field of medicine
- access to full-text documents
- free access
Link: http://www.iaea.org/inis/
Subject: physics, nuclear science
- hosts one of the world’s largest collections of published information on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology
- contains bibliographic references and full-text documents (of conventional and non-conventional literature, including scientific and technical reports, conference proceedings, patents and theses.)
- free access
Link: https://archive.org/
Subject: multidisciplinary
- a non-profit organization that builds a digital library, its mission is to provide universal access to all knowledge
- archive of web pages, books, texts, sound recordings, concerts, videos, pictures, software
- books published before 1926 are freely available, newer ones can be borrowed in the Open Library tab (registration required)
- free access
Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/
Subject: physics
- is a database of scientific and professional journals and monographs of the non-profit publishing house Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing
- covers topics from the fields of physics, astronomy and astrophysics, mathematics, measurements, materials, electronics, computer science and related fields in engineering, medicine, biology, chemistry
- access to full text documents
- accessible at UNG premises and remotely
Link: http://www.jstor.org/
Subject: multidisciplinary
- is an archive of digitized senior years of scientific and professional journals from various fields of humanism, provides access to books and chapters from various fields of humanism, social sciences and natural sciences
- access to full text documents
- accessible at UNG premises and remotely
Link: http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/
Subject: mathematic
- database intended for searching scientific literature in the field of mathematics
- contains mainly bibliographic records for articles, enables searching by cited references, in some cases also enables links of bibliographic records to the entire text of documents
- available on UNG premises and remotely
Link: https://monoskop.org/Monoskop
Subject: art, media culture, humanities
- is an encyclopedia, blog, repository that provides access to works in the field of art, media culture, humanities
- some text, images, graphics, audio and video clips and other content of this website are protected by the Copyright Act
- access to full text documents
- free access
Link: https://www.nms.si/si/zbirke/digitalne-zbirke
Subject: history
- portal provides access to digital collections with photos, descriptions, terms of use (archaeological, numismatic, famous objects ...)
- free access
Link: https://www.gutenberg.org/
Subject: multidisciplinary
- the oldest digital library with more than 70,000 free e-books in different languages, provides access also to audio books
- in addition to novels, poetry, short stories, dramas it also provides access to cookbooks, reference works, periodicals...
- free access
Link: http://proquest.umi.com/login
Subject: multidisciplinary
- is the most comprehensive collection of doctoral dissertations and master’s theses worldwide
- accessible at UNG premises and remotely
Link: https://publicdomainreview.org/collections/audio/
Subject: history of art, literature and ideas
- contains images, books, films, audio recordings - works that are in the public domain
- free access
Link: http://www.sciencedirect.com/
Subject: multidisciplinary
- provides access to scientific journals and scientific books from various fields of science
- full-text documents available since 1997
- accessible at UNG premises and remotely
Link: http://www.scopus.com/
Subject: multidisciplinary
- multidisciplinary bibliographic collection with citation index
- enables links of bibliographic record to the entire text of documents
- contains various tools for analyzing citations of authors
- available on UNG premises and remotely
Link: https://veza.sigledal.org/
Subject: theater
- web portal of Slovene performing arts
- provides access to Slovenian performing arts, critics, digital exhibitions, data on all previous performances of Slovenian theaters, freely accessible dramatic texts ...
- free access
Link: https://www.sistory.si/
Subject: history
- access to resources from the field of historiography, especially for the study of Slovenian history, contains books, serial publications...
- free access
Link: https://bsf.si/en/
Subject: film
- contains a list of Slovenian film and TV productions and co-productions, including information on Slovenian video spots, web series, video art, experimental films and other AV works
- enables free access to some AV works
- free access
Link: https://www.slogi.si
Subject: theater
- provides access to some digitized older Slovenian dramatic texts, translations of dramatic texts into Slovenian, theater magazines, other publications ...
- free access
Link: https://www.slovenska-biografija.si/
Subject: biography
- combines the Slovenian Biographical Lexicon (1925-1991), the Primorsky Slovenian Biographical Lexicon (1974-1994) and the New Slovenian Biographical Lexicon (2013-)
- is constantly updated in terms of content and technology
- free access
Link: https://inspirehep.net/
Subject: physics
- provides access to databases on literature, conferences, institutions, journals, researchers, experiments, jobs and data in the field of high energy physics
- access to full text documents
- free access
Link: https://link.springer.com/
Subject: multidisciplinary
- expanded content includes Nature Portfolio, Springer, BMC, Palgrave, Discover and Apress
- provides access to scientific and professional articles and to scientific and professional monographs from all fields
- contains bibliographic data and access to full-text documents
- full-text documents are available for current and past 4 years
- accessible at UNG premises and remotely
Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/search/advanced
Subject: science and technology
- provides access to scientific and professional data in the field of science and technology (biology, environment, chemistry, mechanical engineering, computer science, mathematics, statistics and physics)
- contains bibliographic data and access to full-text documents
- accessible at UNG premises and remotely
Link: https://www.vitis-vea.de/
Subject: viticulture, oenology
- is an international database in the field of viticulture, oenology and related disciplines
- provides access to scientific articles from 1969 on
- free access
Link: http://apps.webofknowledge.com/
Subject: multidisciplinary
- multidisciplinary bibliographic collection, enables access to three bases on citation indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded®, Social Sciences Citation Index® in Arts & Humanities Citation Index®
- enables links of bibliographic record to the entire text of documents
- contains various tools for analyzing citations of authors
- available on UNG premises and remotely
Link: http://www.apabi.com/wos
Subject: multidisciplinary
- provides access to e-books in the fields of literature, arts, culture, science, education, sports, history, geography, linguistics, philosophy, religion, politics, law, economics, industrial technology, environmental science … in various languages
- contains bibliographic data and access to full-text documents
- accessible at UNG premises